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Challenges are something that I believe makes us better. We all must have faced one or two challenges in life that sometimes make us think everything is over when it is just a step to becoming better. Once in my life, I was faced with the challenge of associating with people.

What has been your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge was associating with people, especially ladies. Making friends was my biggest challenge while growing up; it was as if I was afraid to speak well in a gathering, despite how brilliant and smart I was in school.

During my first year at a higher institution, several people were coming closer to me, so we could be friends, but because of the challenge of interacting with people, I couldn't be friends with them. At some point in my life, I couldn't approach a lady and speak my mind.

My friends were using my challenge to mock me all the time by sending their female friends to come and sit closer to me because they knew interacting with ladies was my biggest challenge. Then, if I should see a lady coming in my direction, I would change my own direction. However, I was loved by many because of how gentle and brilliant I was.

Tell us, how did you get over it?

I get over my biggest challenge by learning how to face it and overcome it with my abilities and a positive attitude towards my responsibilities as a man. At that time, I learned how to associate with people, beginning with my neighbors.

I totally dropped the fear that was in me and summoned courage as a strong man. I also began participating in school debate and politics, and I became bold enough to speak aloud in a public gathering.

What advice can you give us from your experience?

Well, challenges are part of our lives, and dealing with them depends on the effort of the person who is facing them. To this end, I will advise that when you are facing or know someone who is facing the type of challenge that I once faced, you should find a reason to make friends with those who can help you overcome it. However, from my experience, the advice below can help you.

  • Develop a positive attitude and mindset.
  • Join a debate club or organization that allows you to speak.
  • Go out of your comfort zone and make friends.
  • Be free and happy all the time.
  • Be ready to share your challenge with friends who can help you.

Thank you so much for reading through my post. I am inviting: @simonnwigwe, @chant, and @yakspeace.

 last year 

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Hi, @josepha
te felciito por haber superado eso que veías tan difícil que era socializar.
apuesto a que hoy eres muy sociable y te sientes mucho mejor al poder superarlo.

Muchas gracias por sumarte al desafío de participación de esta semana; te invito a comentar y votar por otros autores del desafío.

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Then, if I should see a lady coming in my direction, I would change my own direction.

Thinking about your actions makes me smile the widest on my face. I hope you feel confident enough to approach them now without any hesitation.

Thank you for stopping by. Yes I do.


Your quality content follows the Team 4 curation guidelines.


Curated by : @radjasalman

Hello friend @Joseph,

Your biggest challenge was socializing with people, especially women. Making friends was your biggest challenge growing up because despite how brilliant and smart you were at school, you were afraid to speak well in a gathering. I appreciate your challenge as there is a saying "iron floats in company". I appreciate the challenge of choosing such friends. Good luck to you.

Thank you so much friend for your word of encouragement.

Really passionate in realizing very deep activities, Have a good day😊

Hola amigo, tuviste un gran desafio al tratar de relacionarte con las personas pero con valentia lo superaste y se que seguiras adelante, un abrazo, bendiciones

Hahaha, that sounds funny but that is the reality on ground. It is mostly associated with interaction amongst the opposite gender. Good to know your exposure to other phase of life and activities brought about the bold change required. Thank you for sharing this great content

Thank you so much sir, for your support.

I really agree with the advice you gave, hopefully we can pass every test given. However, for every challenge that faces us, there will always be lessons that come to us.

Hopefully we can get through every challenge this year

Good luck for you my friends

Permit me to laugh. Hahahaha, so that was whom you are, you were a shy type,they said people like that are always dangerous I hope you were not then? Is a good thing you made away with such lifestyle and started acting like a man.

No, I am not dangerous. I am gentle and kind. Thanks for stopping by.

Your story is almost the same as mine when I was a teenager. I am not confident when dealing with women, because I feel inferior

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