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RE: SEC S17W1: "Celebremos las Artes"

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 months ago

Murals are wonderful concepts of arts and from the pictures i really love the murals from your region. The mural that struck me most is the park stairs mural, it is beautifully designed and i would say it is a perfect presentation of your tradition and culture. The choice of colours too is great. Bright colours brings warmth and Ambience. Nice post from you. It is good that arts is celebrated in your region.

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Hola amigo, gracias por tu apoyo.
Los murales están por muchas partes en la ciudad, y realmente han cambiado la imagen de la misma, sus calles están embellecidas por el arte.
Me alegra que te hayan gustado.
Saludos, te deseo mucho éxito.

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