Steemit Engagement Challenge: Building My Blog

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago (edited)


Image edited using Canva

Hi friends, how are you today? hopefully we are always happy.

On this very valuable opportunity I want to take part in the steemit engagement challenge contest in the TECREATIVE STEEM community, before entering the core of the contest I also want to invite my friend @radhi622, Tgk @itikna09 and also buk @dederanggayoni to participate here too.

Initially I did have a hobby of writing since I was small, but at that time I still didn't know how to channel this valuable hobby, it was only when I entered college in semester 3 that I found out about this steemit platform through one of my seniors on campus, I was very happy to be involved on this platform and can easily channel my talent.

1. What type of content do you develop on your blog?


post on my blog


I regularly follow the SEC contest

Regarding the type of content, there is a lot of content that I share on my STEEMIT BLOG, one of which is content about steemit engagement challenges like this, I also share Diary Game-themed content by sharing every positive activity I did that day that might be taken wisdom by steemian friends.



travel and economics posts that I often post too

I also often share content about travel when I'm on vacation with my family and friends, sometimes I also share content about the economy by converting the prices of the items I buy into STEEM.

2. What is the content that you like to publish and develop on your steemit blog?

Every content that I share on the steemit blog, I just want the content to be full of benefits for every reader, sometimes I also create content about positive education so that my writing is more useful and can make my life better.


diary posts with positive activities and make my life better

3. How often do you post?

From the first time I registered my account at steemit in July 2021 and until today I have never missed a day to post content on steemit, even for now in one day I can make three posts in different communities because I have very high targets. The biggest thing here is that I want to reach the double dolphin in the middle of 2023.

4. What are those things you do to start the creation of a post, and what do you add to make it special?

Before making a quality post, I first read the rules of each community that I want to post so that my content fits the theme in that community, as is the case with this steemit engagement challenge post.


the community rules I read before I made this post

If the post I want to upload is in the form of a Game Diary or the economy, when I am active that day I take some nice and clear photos using my personal smartphone so that when I upload them on the steemit blog my posts are always original and steemexclusive.


the markdown style that I made in this post

I also don't write posts that are too long because it can bore readers. To keep readers from getting bored visiting my blog before uploading, I also make a little markdown style in my posts so that the posts are more unique and look more varied.

This is my post to participate in this contest, thank you friends who have read my post, warm greetings.


Cara membangun blog yang baik, saya berharap bang ikwal jauh lebih sukses di masa yang akan datang.. mungkin juga dalam waktu dekat. Aamiin

Aminn, Terimakasih sudah mampir di postingan saya bang, semoga kita semua sukses disini 😊

Semoga sukses tgk
Semangat Bek kendor

Amin 😊


Me alegra que tengas tan claro la importancia de compartir contenido que deje un aporte, enseñanza o reflexión en los lectores. Tenemos la libertad de crear y desarrollar cualquier temática que sea de nuestro interés o mostrar parte de nuestro estilo de vida a través de los diarios.

Benar saudara, inilah steemit, tempat kita menciptakan berbagai tulisan dan karya yang indah, dan yang terpenting kita bisa bertemu dengan teman-teman baru disni 😊

Dengan berbagai konten yang kita bagikan di steemit tentunya itu membuat kita sangat menarik. Kita tidak harus monoton dalam 1 topik yang dibahas setiap harinya. Seperti yang anda lakukan sekarang sudah sangat bagus, dengan menjatuhkan berbagai macam konten.

bener sekali bang, itulah bagusnya steemit bisa membuka banyak ruang bagi kita untuk berkarya.

Best of luck to you in your endeavor. Keep steemit!

Terimakasih komentarnya saudara.

Bagus sekali postingannya, memang anak muda harus lebih kreativ dan lebih aktif dari yang lebih tua. Usaha memang tidak pernah mengkhianati hasil dan kamu salah satu yang paling semangat dan komitmen,

Semoga sukses dikontes ini ya dan tercapai impiannya mendapatkan lumba-lumba

Terimakasih komentar positif nya buk, yuk join juga 😁

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