SEC S17W2: "Protecting children"

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago



In your own words, what does Child Slavery mean and what are its most common manifestations?

Honestly, I really hate child slavery, for me child slavery is when parents take away the happiness that a child should have in their childhood, such as making them work when the child is still small and at that time they should be learning and being able to play. with his friends.

In general, parents who have common sense hate this when they see small children around them having to accept slavery from their irresponsible parents.

How does forced labor impact the lives of children?

The impact of forced labor on children's lives is very bad and very dangerous for their future growth and development. Children who lose their happiness in childhood usually become adults who are arrogant, do not have good morals and tend to become adults who hate their parents.

This is caused by mental disorders that they have received since they were small, because when children start being forced to go to school when they are still small, their mentality is not ready, which makes their mental health and mental health become disturbed, which will have an effect for the rest of their life.

What strategies do you consider effective to eradicate forced child labor?



The most effective strategy to eradicate this heinous act is to have regular local government patrols from child protection and human rights agencies to avoid children being forced into labor by their parents.

Because the saddest thing right now is that children who are forced into labor are ordered to beg at red lights or road intersections. To help these children get out of this slavery the government must give severe punishment to the people who have enslaved these innocent little children.

Hopefully, with continued education and a deterrent effect, these evil parents will return to a healthy mind so that their children will no longer become slave workers.

Do you think it is fundamental for children to have the freedom to fully develop and fulfill their dreams? Explain your answer



Yes, I am a leading person who supports so that all children in this world have the freedom to develop fully and be able to realize every dream they want.

Children must be given a good education so that they can choose the best dreams for themselves, because children are the next generation who we must educate very well to become good individuals in the future.

Hopefully all children in this world can grow well and succeed in achieving all their dreams.

This is my post for this week's SEC contest, I also want to invite @f2i5, @waterjoe and @chant to participate together in this contest.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

Saludos cordiales estimado amigo ikwal, un cordial saludo de mi parte, me complace leer y comentar tu participación.

Los niños no.merecen ninguna forma de maltrato, es lamentable que nuestra sociedad tenga practicas tan malas contra ellos.

Te deseo un feliz, bonito y bendecido día.

Semoga saja semua anak-anak di dunia ini bisa bahagia dan orang-orang tua juga sayang kepada anak-anak mereka

La esclavitud infantil, para mi la esclavitud infantil es cuando los padres le quitan la felicidad que un niño debería tener en su infancia.

Muchos padres le e roban la infancia a sus hijos poniéndole a trabajar en condiciones infrahumanas, le quitan el derecho que tienen de disfrutar.
Exitos en la participación

Benar sekali saudari, semoga semua orang tua sadar akan hal ini.

I can agree with you these children are seen on the road begging, government should try and put a stop to it by punishing those guardians.

Semoga saja pemerintah segera sadar akan hal ini dan tidak menutup mata untuk kriminal.


Hello @ikwal hope your day is going well.I agree that children deserve the freedom to learn, play, and pursue their dreams without being subjected to forced labor. It's crucial for governments to enforce laws protecting children and provide education to prevent exploitation.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺💞.

Terimakasih atas komentar baiknya saudari, semoga semua anak-anak di dunia ini mendapatkan kehidupan yang bahagia.

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