SEC S6W4: "Letter to a loved one"

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago

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Hi, my dear steemians friends,

How are you all doing today 17/12/2022 I hope all is well with everyone today, this is the fourth week of the engagement challenge and after these one other communities will be also selected to join in the engagement challenge.

Today is the third contest am participating in this week, and the topic is touching as we will have to share the message we are likely to tell our loved ones, I have read other entries from other participants and found out that the topic is wonderful, now I will like to drop mine also.
Thank you for this very wonderful contest I will like to invite my friends @patjewell,@preye2, and @wizzboy3 to participate in this contest too.

No 55 Okumagba road
Delta State,

A letter to my lovely, friend Ann my friend

My dear friend I know it's being a long since we last communicated based on where am reciting now, but am writing this word of mine to express to you how deep my love still runs for you in my soul, I know that everything am writing now is really about you.


My lovely friend

Am just writing these words of mine, to show you how deep my love is for you even though we are not living together, for now, you are like a jewel to me, which I think no one can take away from me, you are the only good thing that happened to me in life because you show me love more than any other human being on this planet earth.

I don't know how to express my deepest love for you because you have built my heart with great love ❤️ you also make me experience what love is, you are the only one that makes me happy and most times sad when am with you, my friend and my love.

You also make me forget all the hurdles of life, you are the best friend have ever met in life, you are a friend indeed, at times I think that I overwhelm you with my things but you are the one who comes to my mind, you are that friend who listens to me in all my hard times,
I must say that you are just like an angel which was sent from heaven to make me happy here on earth, I am really happy to have you as my friend and i will never regret your presence in my life, you are a friend indeed.
Surely the sky is beautiful because of you, I look up and imagine you guide me in some way as a friend,


Me and my lovely friend

I don't think that there is another human being on this planet earth that can classify you the way you are to me, you have won my heart with your hard working skills, and I would have shown you what it is like to have a good friend like you, and as far am still leaving on this planet earth, no human being on this planet earth can deal with your heart.

I am really happy that I am the luckiest human being on earth, and the reason is that, I have you by my side I am ready to do everything for you in this life,

You made the star in me to shine, I am lucky to have you as a, and I pray that almighty God will always strengthen you and also keep you away from the evil ones because you are like a precious stone to me.

I know very soon dear friend you will be expecting me in the house, and when am coming back from school,I will return to you with lots of goodies because you have sacrificed more than I have ever expected from you, thank God am already done with my school for now.

Thank you so much dear friend, for the love you have shown to me as your friend from the very first day we know each other, I don't think there is anyone on this planet earth that can do the things you have done for me as a friend, you strengthen me with your words of and am very grateful to have you as my friend thanks so much.

My regards to everyone over there.


Este párrafo me basto para darme cuenta del gran amor que sientes por Anna que por cierto, es una dama muy hermosa y por lo que percibo, se gano a pulso este sentimiento:

Solo escribo estas palabras mías, para demostrarte lo profundo que es mi amor por ti aunque no estemos viviendo juntos, por ahora, eres como una joya para mí, que creo que nadie me puede quitar, eres lo único bueno que me ha pasado en la vida porque me demuestras amor más que a ningún otro ser humano en este planeta tierra.

Exitos en tu linda entrada, deseo pronto estén juntos!

Thanks so much for your compliment

 2 years ago 

Que linda carta la que le escribes a tu amada, lastima que no puedan estar juntos pero estoy segura que con ese gran amor que compartes en tus líneas pronto lo estarán.

Suerte en el desafío 🤗

Thanks so much for your comments,i wish you all the best also

 2 years ago 

Woooo esto si que fue una carta cargada de sinceras y emotivas palabras de cariño.
Que lindo contar con un amigo de esta forma, espero que le guste mucho la carta y te agradezco por este gesto tan hermoso que has tenido hoy, es algo que no todos hacen pero tú eres valiente y valoras esta amistad .

Te deseo mucho éxito y bendiciones

Thanks so much dear for your comments

Que bonita amiga tienes, se nota que la quieres demás y que estás muy agradecido de tenerla en tu vida.

Es realmente bueno tener la fortuna de conocer y crear un vínculo tan fuerte y bonito con una persona que se vuelva incondicional para ti, así que espero que está amistad perdure por siempre y que le demuestres en cada oportunidad lo importante que es para ti y lo agradecido que estas de ser su amigo.

Thanks for your comments am grateful

 2 years ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

La amistad verdadera es sinónimo de incondicionalidad y, tanto usted como su amiga han logrado crear este vinculo tan hermoso. Espero que a pesar de la adversidad, jamás dejen de tener esta conexión tan hermosa y, sería muy lindo que le hagas llegar esta carta a tu amiga... Te aseguro que la haría muy feliz.

Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thanks so much for your comments

 2 years ago 

Que lindo ver qué tienen, una hermosa amistad, espero disfruten mucho, cuando se vuelvan a encontrar.

Yes, ooo thanks so much i really appreciate

Surat cinta yang ditulis dengan penuh rasa cinta didalamnya. Semoga kasih sayang dua insan ini terus terjaga dengan baik ya.

Semoga hidupmu berdua bahagia dan saling mengerti, sukses

Amen thanks so much for your good wishes for me,i wish you all the best also.

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