Letters in spring|| by @habdallah

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago



I hope you are all doing great and having a lovely and wonderful weekend. It is a pleasure to participate in this contest. However love isn't meant to be shown to only one person or individual. But With regards to the topic at hand, we are being expected to write the letter to someone we hold dearly. Mine will be solely meant for a lover i miss

Hello my sweet angel, i have longed to write to you in a while. That is since you left out for school. I purposely wanted to write to you in order to let you know how i feel deep inside. Each single day of my life was filled with joy, that is with me waking up to seeing you around.
You have really shown me that true love exist and i felt it deep from your heart when you use to be around. I really do miss you my angel.

But without your presence now, i feel so lonely and every single time when your thoughts crosses my mind. My eyes get filled with tears from the thoughts or memories of you. The rate at which my heart beat turns to be slowing down and it almost feel like the heart is missing something. It feels like your presence around me is what makes my heartbeat normal.

Honestly speaking, i can't use words to thank you or express to you how i really do appreciate your love and care. You have shown me a true love that every individual will wish they had some. As at this moment of me writting to you this letter i have realised that you are everything i need to survive. I have been having sleepless nights and little headache whenever try to lay in bed. I really do need you around to ease these sufferings.

Your love has has shown me or proven to me that i have conquered a great thing in this world.
Your love always makes me feel special, strong and motivated and i want to tell you how thankful and greatful i am for making me feel this way. It feels like you i am bonded with you, and you are what keeps me alive my angel.

You are the best friend i have ever had. I use to be having friends around me before i got to meet you. But non of them has loved me like you do. Non of them seem to be caring for men like you do. I appreciate it, for you being my best friend.
I can't wait for you to be back home my sweet angel and i know you also feel the same way i do. I will always cherish and love you my angel and choose you over everyone always.
Best of luck to you...

 2 years ago 

hello @habdallah
it is always very liberating to write, especially love letters, which allow us to decant what we feel and wish to express. Your angel will hopefully one day read your letter and be touched by all that you feel. good job!
thank you very much for participating!

You are welcome madam

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