SEC S17W1: "Let's Celebrate the Arts"

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 months ago

I'm delighted that this community reminds me that April 15th will be commemorated as World Art Day. Image source here

Everyone has different preferences regarding the meaning of art to them. Some interpret art as any form of human-created work with intrinsic value, such as paintings, sculptures, performances, photography, weaving, batik, sketches, cartoons, caricatures, vignettes, silhouettes, posters, calligraphy (sigh) you name it.

There are also those who say art is an imitation of pre-existing objects, so the beauty inherent in art is considered imitative of the beauty of the universe. A similar view was presented by Plato and Aristotle, with the difference being that Aristotle believed something could be considered art only if it had a binding philosophical value, whereas Plato did not.

Ecologism Art

For me personally, art is everything provided by Mother Nature. Nature itself is a divine masterpiece that cannot be matched by anyone, both in terms of beauty and magnificence. Humans may create imitations using their knowledge and technology, but there is still a certain "beauty value" that is lost, which is uniquely possessed by creations from Mother Nature.

Perhaps the perspective I offer may seem like mere imagination and chatter. But did you know that ecological art has actually existed for a long time? This genre of art emerged from artists' awareness of how modernism has negatively impacted the sustainability of the living environment around us. Image source here

On this occasion, I will not be talking about artworks intended for money laundering practices disguised as ecological imagery. We know that lately, many poor art have been priced in the millions of dollars, hiding behind the pretext of "subjectivism" that argues "value exists because humans assign it." Sorry to say, that doesn't make sense to me.

In my opinion, ecological art is not suitable for commercialization. If it must be commercialized, the artwork should be priced as low as possible. Why? I believe that the cheaper something is, the more accessible it becomes. The more accessible something is, the more people can be impacted by the messages conveyed through the artwork.

Why do we need an ecological approach?

Art has always served as a powerful means of expression, reflection, and commentary. However, in recent years, the impact of human activities on the environment has reached unprecedented levels, with climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and habitat destruction becoming urgent global issues. This is where the role of artists in raising ecological awareness through their works becomes crucial. I won't specify the types of artworks because everyone has different preferences for the kind of art they like.

We are well aware of the extent of environmental damage caused by humans post-industrialization. You can read my other post to see the data in more detail because I won't discuss it further at this time. One thing is clear: global warming is a real threat we will face sooner or later. Everything depends on human efforts to delay the onset of this "global warming apocalypse." Image source here

"The climate crisis is caused by a crisis of culture and imagination." - Amitav Ghosh

Thank you for taking the time to read my post

Have a great day



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Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

this is so nice

El gesto de los artistas realizar obras de artes ecológicas me parece que debería ser aún más valorado porque es como el arte o acto de amor que se tiene hacia el planeta y todos los seres humanos que la habitamos ya que se le da nuevo uso a él esos materiales.

Es muy hermoso contemplar tanto el arte como los sentimientos expresados a través de ellos Gracias por compartir esta información y punto de vista con todos nosotros a través de tu participación.

Éxitos y bendiciones

art.... the word art is the word of soul. the one who knows about the art is a successful person because it brings peace and patience to you. you shared such a beautiful and well organized thank you so much

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