SEC - S12W1: A Bedtime Story: Lion and mouse"

in RECREATIVE STEEM11 months ago

Hello everyone how are you doing, i am good. You know i felt much pleasure when i see the topic i love it. The SEC - S12W1: A Bedtime Story: Name your story" is very fascinating because i am a mom of a doll and i have daily bedtime story. My doll love it and she has fixed in mind about the time of story.


Yesterday night she came to me and said mom my story, she lay down and was ready to hear story. I mostly told her story that are moral based so that she can follow these good deed in her life.

I told her the story of lion and mouse. It based her on act of kindness and i wish she remain kind to other especially on small creatures. There was a lion he is king of the forest. He was sleeping suddenly a mouse came and started playing with the nose of lion.

The lion wake up and roared who is playing when he me, how dare you i will not let you go. He started begging let me go please king one day i will pay you back.


My doll king smiled and said you will pay a little mouse haha go i leave you. The mouse thanked him and ran away. Then a day came lion was caught in Hunter cage by mistake, he tried hard but couldn't came out. He was very worried.

My doll got worried mama now what will happen with king, i say listen there will be good things to be happening. The lion started roaring 🐅, mouse listen the voice and came there. When he saw the king in tension he got worried what to do.

He had an idea and started chew the net, it take time but mouse continued till all net was broken. The lion was outside. I can see beautiful smile on my doll face. The lion thanks to mouse and he remembered the deed which he did with mouse. They became good friends.

Moral: the act of kindness never wasted in life

My doll felt very happy and then repeat story to me, i was amazed that she is keen interest in listening bedtime story.

Its all about my today's post, i would like to invite my dear friends @ashkhan, @m-fdo and @suboohi to take part in the challenge.


Aww, what a beautiful story your doll enjoyed. It is truly good to show kindness to others and even when we don't get the same measure, we should keep showing kindness.

I love your story and best of luck!

 11 months ago 

Hola, @drhira
Ya ves que cuando contamos historias antes de dormir a los niños 💤 ellos lo disfrutan demasiadisimo y se duermen con algo hermoso y alentador en sus memorias, si es con moralejas como la de tu cuento del león y ratón en donde la bondad hacia el prójimo prevalece, entonces bien vale la pena.
Gracias por unirte a este hermoso desafío de participación con un bello cuento antes de dormir para tu muñeca.

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Total Score9/10


Club Status Verification Period1 month

Determination of Club Status refers to the Web-based Application


Thank you so much for lovely feedback and verification.

Amiga es un linda historia la que nos escribes y lo importante es que nos dejas esa linda moraleja que dice que la bondad hace al prójimo. Saludos y bendiciones.😂

Yes my friend kindness never wasted in the life.

 11 months ago 

Greetings friend, being kind makes us a better person,
and it is one of the things that God will bless us for being and doing things with kindness without intentions or bad intentions, both the mouse and the lion learn a good lesson.

Good luck to you friend drhira, happy afternoon.

Greetings dear
You took me back to my childhood through stories.

 11 months ago 

Thanks to the mouse the lion was saved otherwise he would lose his life or end up in a zoo.

This story is a famous story . In the world ,anyone cannot seems to be little. Nothing in the world is small. It’s hard to tell when someone is coming to help, big or small.

Hello friend greetings to you.

This is the story I have heard when I was at school. It is interesting one and at the same time have a good moral lesson too.

The bed story always remind me my childhood.

Wish you best of luck in the contest.

Un hermoso cuento con una gran enseñanza, bondadoso y cariñoso este animalito
Feliz nche

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