

Good day everyone in this great contest, I am very delighted to be among the great participants here, much thanks to @graceleon for organising this great contest which is about our addictions knowing very well how humans get addicted to negative activities mostly.

What is addiction

Addiction is when a person is unable to stop an habit, or using a substance. People get addicted to many activities which in turn be an addiction to them. Some examples of addiction are : pornographhy, stealing, gambling and Alcohol.

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Have I ever been addicted?

Yeah, I have been addicted to some activities which are mostly negative which were, playing cards, playing prank and being untruthful. I have this current addiction of Facebooking mostly with my important time. It all started when I got a new android device which allowed me to know get Intouch with my friends and the world happenings which some seems to be rumors. I spent more than 18hours Facebooking in a day including my late hours I chat till dawn.


How did I feel when I meet my needs in that addiction

I have been addicted to Facebooking for long now and it has really done more harm to me than good, Damaging my brain because of late night sleep and also affecting my sight because of the screen light. I feel happy physically while chatting with my friends through Facebook platform.

A screenshot showing my Facebook inbox

How did I know I was addicted to it?

I got addicted to Facebooking when I bought a new android phone. It started so easy at first when it was just an application in my phone, which I accrued less of my time to it. during the holiday I got so drained in the application, waking with a phone in my hands, while eating and during special discuss with friends. It looked funny but serious when my fingers get to know where I will tap after getting my phone on. My activities got coup with, I felt lazy running my chores because of the addiction I got myself in spending more hours to chatting, posting and making friends on the platform. I found it being the toughest addiction as a teen because I only get away with it only when my battery is low even with that I plug it to electricity while using it.

What would I recommend to someone that's going through what am going through and how do I think it should be overcome?

Presently am not going through any kind of addiction, I patched up myself to something stronger than Facebooking which is developing skills and schooling. It was hard to pull out from it but my zeal for other things became stronger.

I want to recommend a little piece to someone out there suffering from the addiction of Facebooking. In all, addictions are easy and hard to break which it needs a total change in the mind, because everything that comes to the physical was a thought before. So change your mindset and draw closer to God.

You can recover from addiction by loving yourself, family and future because addiction destroy one's mental health thereby causing trauma to his or her family and finding all possible means to indulge in renovation activities.

Addiction is no where add to the life instead leave the mind and soul shattered, destroying every single aspect of your life and relationship to the outside world.

Thank you for going through my post 😍❤️



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Many people are addicted to this place. In fact it is time consuming and physically and mentally debilitating for people. Through this we get involved in many bad deeds which are very harmful for us. We should be very careful in using it. Best of luck. 🥰🥰

 last year 

ésta es una de las adicciones más frecuentes en la última década; las personas jóvenes, adultas y ancianas cada vez más se están volviendo psicodependientes de las redes sociales; entre ellas el facebook y el instagram y el tik tok; tiene una explicación, es la forma de chismear, de saber de la vida ajena de una forma muy cómoda y entretenida. Las redes sociales, como todo en esta vida no deben ser usadas en exceso porque sucede lo que bien describes en tu post; desplazamos el tiempo y la atención a lo que verdaderamente importante.
Agradezco mucho que nos hayas relatado desde el fondo de tu corazón, todo lo que significa para ti el tema de las adicciones.
Sabemos que no es fácil y todos estamos en la misma lucha para tener la templanza y superar aquello que nos oprime.
Feliz domingo: @davidmarkgeorge

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