SEC S17W2: "Protecting children"

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago

Hi all! Welcome to my blog.

[Contest Post Image]

In your own words, what does Child Slavery mean, and what are its most common manifestations?

When we negatively over labour the child with activities that they shouldn't be involved with. This is an act that is condemned in its entirety because of the dehumanisation it brings upon the child

We we allow the child hawk on the street for our gains or for their indirect use. Do we allow the child to be ill treated at the expense of our child being treated specially. When we deny the child access to basic needs and other benefits.

These are all typical examples of what child slavery stands for. When we don't treat all children around us like our kids, then there is a likelihood of abuse.

How does forced labour impact the lives of children?

  • Physically damages them. Due to the heinous work activities, they are sometimes pgysically disfigured.

  • Mentally and Moral disorders. This is the first point of abuse and it does have a great deal on the children.

  • Early exposures to environmental hazards. They may not be ripe to handle the advance hazards before then maturely due to their ages.

  • Prone to sexual harassment and abuses One of the problems that have great implications on our children. The female gender are most affected.

  • Denial to attain some basics like education and access to health.

What strategies do you consider effective to eradicate forced child labour?

  • Strong government policies that ensures sactions on child slavery act violations and enforcement.

  • Access to basic Education that ensures most children are not out of classroom.

  • Development of skill centers by government instead that help categorise children according to their preferences and ages.


Do you think it is fundamental for children to have the freedom to fully develop and fulfil their dreams? Explain your answer.

Yes, and a very loud one for that matter. Some of my points clearly stated some of the ways this can be removed. And if this can be enforced , it would help guarantee to a relative extent.

For crying out loud, our children needs to develop at their pace and should not be forced in any way. They should all be treated in a manner that doesn't show abuse.

There are children that naturally would prefer skills acquisition ocer educational attainment, they should be enrolled accordingly and with their preferences.

Our children deserve the best other than slavery in our lands.

I invite @eveetim and @rossnenye


Greetings Dear @chima09

From forced labor to exploitation, it's a grim reality that stains our society. These innocent souls endure physical, mental, and emotional torment, denied the basic rights they deserve. To eradicate this scourge, we must unite, enforce stringent laws, prioritize education, and empower every child to chase their dreams unhindered by chains of oppression.

We can't over look this act, child slavery is an absurd and eye saw treatment. Every child deserves to be loved and taken care of. Treating them in the other way round is humiliating them against their will.

Effective laws should be made to punish offenders who out unnecessary pressure, forcing them to work beyond their strength. This is necessary because every child deserves freedom, good education and access to good healthcare.

I appreciate your invitation as I have submitted mine earlier. I wish you the best in the contest.


Hello @chima09 hope your day is going well kids are made to hawk on the streets or denied basic needs and education. This abuse leaves lasting scars, physically and emotionally, and puts them at risk of exploitation and harm.

To stop it we need strict laws, access to education, and support for skill development. Every child deserves the chance to grow and pursue their dreams without being enslaved.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

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