SEC S6W2: "A day with special steemians"

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago (edited)


Lots of love from Pakistan. Today I am doing Engagement Challenge Season6week2 and I am very happy to be part of this contest. It's a very good Initiative to start such engaging topics in this community. I have not seen such activities in any other community. There are many steemians with whom I would love to spend time. Some of them are not my friends but still I love their content and the way of their thinking that is reflected through their posts. So let's begin the Challenge!

Which steemians would you like to spend a day with?

There are many steemit users with whom I have interacted in past years. Some of them left Steemit without any reason and some are still here. But I want to tag here the one who is not my friend and I have never talked to him but his way of writing posts catches my attention. As this post is to meet a steemians I would love to meet @crypto.piotr. I just talk to him once on discord but it was a talk of just 4 messages. But if I get chance to meet him I will definitely go.

What qualities and values do you highlight in this steemian?

Okay If I want to talk about his qualities, he is really a nice and hardworking person. I talked to him on discord but before that I was reading his quality content on this Steemit profile about Technology, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency. Actually I'm currently studying about crypto and his detailed posts helped me to learn new things like How blockchain works, what is cryptocurrency, news about technology, blockchain, AI, and crypto etc.

He has gained my attention due to his hard work which everyone can easily check in his quality blog content. He is the founder of another community Project.Hope for which he is working day and night to make it strong. His dedication, hard work, and consistency motivates me to do better day by day. That's why I would love to meet him and talk about the topics mentioned above

What would you like to learn from this steemian?

As I have mentioned above that he is the master in these topics i.e. blockchain, AI, cryptocurrency, and technology. So I would love to learn all things from him. But if I have to choose one thing then blockchain will be my first priority and cryptocurrency is the second. The reason I like to learn from him is because he explain every topic so well that no doubt lefts after he explains.

Where would you like to spend the day with this special steemian?

I don't know where he lives but if I get chance like in those countries where he comes to blockchain summits and it is near my country Pakistan, I will take flight and meet him. But if there is no chance to meet him live, I would love to have a zoom meeting on Zoom.

If you could give him/her a gift; what would you give him/her?

Honestly speaking, I don't know what to give him as a gift because I have never met him before. I don't know what he likes but as he is a blockchain and crypto person, I will gift him some crypto coins I have :p. Also I can give him a printed customized Tshirt with his image and Steemit logo. Moreover, I can gift him a watch and a perfume along with the printed Tshirt.


In last, I want to thank you RECREATIVE STEEM Community for this wonderful community where we all live like a family and support each other. I wish that this community grow more and more in the future. I will always be part of this community till death.

Last is I would like to invite @salman554480, @drax, and @alokkumar121 to join this community and take part in every contest here. Thank you!


Dear @chasad75

I just bumped into your publication while scrolling through your recent posts. Imagine my surprise when I've noticed my own face on your thumbnail .... quite a little shock ;)

But I want to tag here the one who is not my friend and I have never talked to him but his way of writing posts catches my attention

Thanks for your kind words.

He is the founder of another community Project.Hope for which he is working day and night to make it strong.

"day and night" is a bit overstretch :) Let's say that I'm not a vampire and I sleep during the night hehe.

I don't know where he lives but if I get chance like in those countries where he comes to blockchain summits and it is near my country Pakistan, I will take flight and meet him.

my Malaysian wife keep asking me to visit Pakistan sometime in the future. Hopefully one day we can make it happen. I've heard many great stories about that country.
So perhaps one day we may have a chance to meet up. I would be honoured.

Hope you're having great weekend :)
Cheers, Piotr

I am always ready and available when you come to Pakistan :)


Muchas veces ni siquiera es necesario tener comunicación para conocerles, esta es una ventaja que nos brinda Steemit y es que a través de nuestras publicaciones podemos darnos a conocer y mostrar gran parte de nuestros gustos, intereses y habilidades. Has realizado una gran descripción de crypto.piotr como una gran persona, llena de muchas cualidades dignas del respeto y admiración de cualquier persona que frecuente su trabajo en la plataforma.

Hardwork is an important factor that brings us closer to people and you have mentioned that the steemian you would like to spend a day with is hardworking and that is a great charisma to emulate. I hope your expectations are met in no time. Goodluck to you.

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