Contest Announcement #4 - Your Bad Habits for Health - My Unhealthy Habits

in Steem Healthcare3 years ago

Hi it's me again @saneunji saying good day to you all and may you have a great day ahead. Thank you to @shc-curator for this amazing and very informative contest. This would really help a lot of readers to be more aware of their health and well-being.

We all know the saying " Health is Wealth " and I truly and undoubtedly agree with it. Attending to our health and well-being is as important as earning a lot of money. If you are striving and working hard to earn money then you must also strive and work hard to be healthy or live a healthy life. It's a must!!!

Some people have engage theirselves in healthcare awareness nowadays like doing exercise, eating healthy foods and consuming natural and organic beverages. However, as the world evolved and technologies are continuously rising we are slowly killing ourselves. We do a lot of things involving gadgets that are harmful to our health. Even I, was guilty of this. I emerge myself in a bad habit of excessively using MOBILE PHONES.


This gadget is both useful and harmful. Useful because it can really help us in terms of communication and research but turn out to be harmful especially when we abuse it. Like in my case, I really enjoyed using mobile phone, browsing to different social medias and playing online games and didn't noticed my hours of sleep and rest suffered a lot. I deprived myself in sleeping 8 hrs a day and became very abusive to my health. In result, I became Anemic and often experienced dizziness and nausea and my ability to function well is decreasing. I became weak.Later on I realized that this habit has to stop because it's slowly destroying my health and killing my body.

I also had this bad habit of eating JUNKFOODS and oftenly drinking SOFTDRINKS.



Yes for me this kinds of foods used to be so tasty and yummy until it leads me of having UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection ). The pain and the stingy feeling that I' ve experienced everytime I pee is not easy plus I hate taking medicines and so right then and there I realized and decided that I will never again consume this kinds of foods because it will do me no good. It's UNHEALTHY!!

So I made a promise to myself to engage more on physical activities than on wasting my time in gadgets and that I will consume healthier foods.

HEALTH IS VERY IMPORTANT...We need to take care of our bodies because if we are unhealthy we cannot do the things we love and most especially we cannot work efficiently to earn money for a living. We cannot put food in the table for our families.

Remember everything is okay but in moderation. Because too much of everything can be destroying.

Best regards,


Thank you @saneunji, moderation is the key,too much of everything is bad

Yaah @ijelady it really is. Too much of everything is Unhealthy.

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