Daily Contest # 4: Tell me how you take care of your health every day by @gracyakan

in Steem Healthcare3 years ago


Good evening steemians!

Hope everyone is doing great, as for me I I'm good. I was invited by @goodybest to join in this Contest and I'm happy to participate In this amazing Contest which will help us to learn how others take care of their Health everyday. I'm grateful to the admin and moderators of this great group for creating a Contest like this, thanks @imamalkimas @mudajuli @ahyar92 and @lidiasteem.

I will start by this popular saying that says "health is wealth" so for me to be wealthy I must be healthy.


health is a complete physical ,mental, social and emotional well being of an individual without illness or injury. If am physically healthy, I'll have good overall health together with my relationships. I have one body so taking care of it is very important. Knowing my body and my family health history help me to figure out what is good for me.

my family




  • I drink a glass of water when I wake up in the morning to be hydrated healthy and satisfied. Many disease condition is as a result of dehydration, so I make it my habit to drink a glass of water immediately after waking up and make sure my family drinks also.
  • I avoid eating for at least 45minutes to 1hour after drinking.
  • I drink water for some minutes before eating my food (30minutes).
  • I don't drink in-between my meal.
  • I don't drink carbonated / caffeinated drink e.g minerals.
  • I drink my home made natural juice I made by myself like pineapple, watermelon, orange, apple, and lemon juice etc. And give same for my children to school.
  • I don't eat sugar, I replace it with honey and dead seed juice.
  • I plan my menu for the week to be sure of not repeating food.
  • I eat balanced diet with more of vegetables.
  • "An apple a day safe a month in doctors office", it's a popular saying so i eat much of fruit like apple, watermelon, pineapple,pear, avocado banana, mango, carrot, cucumber etc.


  • I don't eat after 6pm in the evening.
  • I use natural spices in cooking like ginger, garlic, tumeric, onion, sent leaf etc.
  • I don't eat fried food.
  • I don't eat red meat, I eat chicken and more or sea food like fish,snail,crab, stock fish, lobster, and perewinkle, etc.
  • I don't eat junk food.
  • I sterilize my water before drinking by boiling or adding of chlorine tablet, one to 20 liters of water and the water will be ready for drinking after 30minutes.

** husband and I**


  • I do regular exercise like walking /joking in the morning to reduce stress, give me energy and prepare me for my day and also keep me fit.
  • I play with my kids.
  • I make sure I sleep for 8hours at night and at least 1 to 2hours in the afternoon. Sometimes I just lie down on bed without sleeping and thinking just to rest.
  • I read books, magazine, newspaper etc. It's a relaxing activity that helps me forget about life anxiety and pressure.
  • I schedule time to visit my family and friends to gist and laugh, to relieve monotony and boredom.
  • I take my family and friends out for picnic to beach, parks, play ground, movie theater etc.
  • I like watching God's creation like animals, flowers,rivers etc, this gives me joy, relaxed my mind and make me think about my creator Jehovah God and hope in the future in which I will attend the highest level of health and sickness will be no more.
  • I avoid anything that toys with my emotions and mood.
  • I trained myself not to be anxious.



"Cleanliness is next to godliness"

  • I brush my teeth in the morning before eating and after eating and before going to bed at night to prevent halitosis (bad mouth odour), thoot decay and promote self esteem.
  • I have my bath in the morning and before going to bed at night to prevent bad odour,promote my sleep and self esteem.
  • I use herbal soap and rob none bleaching cream that doesn't contain hydroquinone (moisturizing cream).
    -I wash my hands before and after eating.
  • I wash my hands after using the toilet with soap and water.
  • I sweep my house on daily basis and mop the floor 3times a week putting him and detergent in water to kill germ. Also clean furnitures in the house on daily basis after sweeping.
  • I don't keep dirty dishes in my kitchen,I wash it all immediately after eating so that it will not attract ant,rodent,paste and flies.
  • I don't repeat clothes ,i wear it once,wash an iron for next use.
  • I wash my bathroom and toilet on weekly basis using detergent and izal.
  • I keep my surroundings clean and tidy and make sure there is no stagnated water and is not bushy to prevent mosquito from breeding.
  • I participate in environmental sanitation to keep my environment clean.

My last baby


  • I keep my waste bin outside and cover.
  • I put a nylon bag inside the waste bin before dropping waste,do that when I want to empty it will not stain the bin.
  • I wash my waste bin after emptying it using water and izal and dry it.
    -I dispose off my waste on daily basis at the dumping site.


  • I avoid smoking by all means.
  • I don't drink alcohol, dangerous drugs like tobacco, cocaine, marijuana, heroine etc.
  • I net all the windows in my house to prevent mosquito from entering.
  • I sleep under insecticide treated net
  • If am feeling unwell, I go to the hospital and see the doctor for proper treatment and experts management.
  • I don't practice self medication.
  • I don't take over the counter drugs.
  • I do general test at least once a year.
  • I don't patronize traditional healers.



Finally taking good care of my body means having more energy and ability to achieve my goals daily and also concentrate on any task that is being given to me, of which I will use less time to complete it and do it better, be it at work, caring for my family and for myself.

I believe someone might find this piece useful. Thanks for reading through! Good health to everyone!!
I'm inviting my friends @abijos @ubongudofot @gracieux


 3 years ago 

Such an interesting article, Thanks for sharing with us how you normally take care of your health daily, I picked some point which is:

I avoid anything that toys with my emotions and mood.

I'll surely avoid those things

You're welcome @goodybest ,if you can do that there will be nothing like depression and hypertension.

 3 years ago 

Hi @gracyakan
Thank you for your participation :)

You're welcome @ahyar92

I love your family, you really understood that health is wealth.
I noticed that your family is taking the 5 classes of food, keep it up @gracyakan

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