in Steem Healthcare3 years ago

Good evening to you all in this adorable community. I'm @emyekanem and I'm glad to have seen this contest on time and also participate. I missed out in all other contest organized here because I have been coming late. All thanks to @goodybest who invited me to join in this contest.

I also thank you our humble contest organizers @shc-curator, our admin. @imamalkimas and @mudajuli, and our moderators @ahyar92 and @lidiasteem for coming together to organize this contest for the purpose of learning new things, creating original content and also being active. I pray you never lack any good thing in your lives.🙏

Talking about bad habit. First, an habit is a character or behaviour that has become part of you in which you cannot do without. It is something which has gotten deep into someone and can't easily be separated from him or her. The kind of habit possessed by a person can affect him mentally, psychologically, emotionally, physically and socially. It is either a person possess a bad or good habit. If one has a good habit, he or she is safe but if it's a bad habit, the person is greatly in danger because his health and social life will be affected.

Growing up, I had this three bad habits which at first were very hard for me to put a stop to despite the scolds from my parents and my grandma, especially. *Drinking cold water, Bad eating/standing posture and Yawning or sneezing aloud became the most embarrassing habits for me.

    I started experiencing joy while growing up drinking cold water. Each day never passed me by without taking a glass or a sachet. But it wasn't a good habit at all. I took cold water anytime, any day or in any occasion even during rainy/cold season except when I'm sick.

I got scolded and flogged countless times but I wouldn't listen. Sometimes I get sick because of too much of its intake. It was really part of me maybe because I didn't know the side effect of it but since I came to realize the effect of it, it became less part of me.

Link glass-of-water_SB_PM.jpg

Effects of drinking cold water

  1. It causes indigestion. it doesn't allow the proper digestion of food.

  2. It doesn't allow for proper breakdown of unwanted fat in the body. It solidifies fat in the body.

  3. It leads to constipation where the cold water also solidifies the food passing through the body which leads to the intestines contracting.

  • YAWNING OR SNEEZING ALOUD(making certain sounds)
    This is another bad habit which I learnt from my cousin(guy). He makes one funny sound which I usually love as at that time whenever he sneezes or yawn, so I had to join him. It was fun while I was growing up because I had nothing to worry about. That same funny and enjoyable sound has become a very irritating and embarrassing one to me and the people around me today.


My parents always told me that the bad habits I'm beginning to exhibit won't speak well of me in future because I'm a girl, that I should change. But their words didn't mean anything to me because I was still young. But now, I'm just trying hard to do away with this embarrassing habit but to no avail.

Whenever I'm in a group of people and there is a cause for the involuntary action, I do forget that I'm supposed to cover my mouth or nose and yawn or sneeze responsibly. I normally disgrace myself which is always embarrassing.


Effects of Sneezing or yawning aloud

  1. It brings about embarrassment

  2. It will affect your social life

  3. It will not speak well of a person

    I also exhibited the habit of sipping GARRI. This habit of mine started in my senior secondary level three, where I boarded in school. Anybody in the hostel without a pack of garri was planning to die of hunger. Life in the hostel wasn't an easy one to live. And we survived with garri(cassava flakes) by our side🙄☺️ I got addicted to sipping garri each time I missed my meal and it was always complemented with groundnut, biscuit, or chin chin. I sometimes use milk, Milo and sugar when it's available. We also moulded this garri with cold water so we eat with canned mackerel/sardine in which the continuous intake of it causes cancer.


I enjoyed sipping garri a lot especially when those condiments are available. Sugar was the most used condiment since milk and Milo didn't last. Coming back to the house after my secondary school, I continued with the habit. I sip garri like there would be no tomorrow. The most available condiment in the house are sugar, biscuit or groundnut. I sometimes make use of banana or fish. I got to realize from an adult friend that too much intake of garri without enough milk gives eye problem.


Effects of too much intake of garri

  1. It causes weight gain

  2. It worsens ulcer

  3. It causes eye defect

  4. It also dries the blood

I have learnt a lot of lessons from this bad habits of mine and I appreciate God for giving me the grace to be able to make them less part of me. Thank you so much for going through my contest write-up. I appreciate.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your participation @emyekanem

The pleasure is mine @ahyar92

 3 years ago 

We really appreciate your participation @emyekanem, sure there's still room for improvement, the good thing is that you know the bad habits you need to change so just work on them and you will succeed.

Sure @goodybest
Thank you for reading

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