Improper eating, poor sleep

in Steem Healthcare3 years ago


For us, sleeping is by no means a small problem. Many people are often accompanied by insomnia due to excessive pressure in life and work, as well as a painful illness. Insomnia often makes people upset and weakened in immunity. In fact, people often overlook a factor closely related to sleep, that is diet. Improper diet can often make people toss and turn, and it is difficult to sleep.

First of all, the rich and greasy dinner hinders sleep. Eating too much for dinner, especially eating a lot of high-fat foods, tends to prolong the digestion time of these foods in the stomach, making people unable to sleep peacefully at night. Even in sleep, the quality of sleep is often poor. Dinner should be eaten less and lighter. It is best to choose foods that contain protein and are low in fat. This is good for sleep and can prevent the body from gaining weight.

Second, flatulence food will reduce the quality of sleep. Flatulence in the stomach at night makes people feel very uncomfortable, but also hinders people's normal sleep. Therefore, eating less flatulence food at night can ensure a sound sleep. Foods that may cause flatulence mainly include: beans, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, cabbage, eggplant, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., as well as some beverages and sweets.

In addition, caffeine-containing beverages and food can hinder sleep. Many people find it difficult to fall asleep at night because they drink too much coffee. Because caffeine stimulates the human nervous system, it causes people's breathing and heartbeat to increase, blood pressure rises, and it also reduces the secretion of melatonin, which has a hypnotic effect, and often makes it difficult to fall asleep. At the same time, caffeine also has a diuretic effect. Drinking coffee and eating some caffeine-containing foods can also make people difficult to sleep due to the pressure of urine.

Drinking alcohol to help sleep is also not advisable. Some people like to drink a small amount of alcohol at night to help sleep. Although they can fall asleep faster, they often wake up many times at night. Even if they spend a lot of time lying in bed, their sleep quality is poor and does not reach "Rest" effect.

 3 years ago (edited)


I have personally experienced insomnia from coffee, it is terrible

Coffee was something I had to stop because of this. Back then I didn't know what coffee was doing. Nice post!

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