Share your best smile@beautybb 14/6/21

in Steem Healthcare3 years ago
I love this contest because I love smiling a lot.


Smiling has done much good to my personal life.

It has been like a shield in my life,no one knows my condition even when things are worse I keep on smiling.


I took this pictures when things were extremely hard for me and my family,but I kept smiling, because I have faith in God,and I knew what will happen to my health if I don't smile,and how people might look at me.

We can never over emphasize the benefits of smiling both healthwise and otherwise.

  #health benefit of smiling
  • It improves physical mood.
  • Smiling releases endorphins, which helps a person feel happier and more positive.
  • Smiling serves as Pain Relief because a good laugh relieves some body aches or pains.
  • Stress is one cause of high blood pressure,but a heartfelt smile lowers blood Pressure.
  • Smiling helps to build stronger Immune System.
  • Smiling helps in building a better Relationships, because people will always come close to a smiling face.
  • Smiling helps one look younger,by releasing the muscles of the face and body.

For me when I smile naturally,is like a medicine to my life.

Sometimes stress of this world make one find it difficult to smile,but the truth remains that smiling is one of the solution is our daily problems, because it brings people closer to us,and we might see help from where we didn't expect.

I have been receiving marvelous gift at my place of work, because even when is obvious that am stressed or tired I still smile at least to make my patients feel at home.

I love smiling,let's smile on steemit.

Thank you so much,once again am grateful for this opportunity, I hereby invite @meymeyshop,@marajah,@essygold to join me in this contest.



Wow, the context makes sense. But remember, am number one when it comes to smiling

 3 years ago (edited)

It's let's compete 💕💕💕💕

I love this prescription of natural medicine or drugs. Thanks

Hahahaha your welcome is really a natural medicine

Hi @beatybb, thank you for outlining the health benefits of smiling. I personally agree with you on these. I also want to add one thing; smiling makes you very beautiful no wonder you chose this username. Are you a Jw?

Hahahahhahahahah,yes am proudly a Jw, thank you dear

You are welcome my dear sis, do have pleasant days ahead.

And you too

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