Daily Contest #9 : Share Your Best Smile

in Steem Healthcare3 years ago

Wow... I love this. Can you imagine being asked to that very thing you love to do most... Smiling is my second nature. How I wish, I could take you through all my gallery, you will hardly see a photo without my signature smile on it. This is interesting. Seeing this contest made me so excited, in fact I ma smiling so broad and wide right now.

I can remember the exact person that was teasing me at this point. My boss herself.

I don't know why I get so relaxes when I smile, but there is something about it that usually cheers me up and make me more hopeful. This the way I am feeling right now.

Imagine how fresh the smile made me look.

I didn't quite think about the health benefits of smiling when I started doing so myself. But looking at it closely now, I can say for one that smiling makes one happy.

The sun made everything look so nice.

Even when things are not working well, if could try to bring out a smile, you feel better. It works perfectly for me. And I believe feeling good is good for the health. It helps your body secrete positive hormones and enzymes which helps to keep you sound and lively.

A picture at the office upon the stress.

I am very much aware that smiling helps to reduce stress. I usually feel so refreshed once I am able to have a good laugh and smile. The body seems lighter I become very alert and active. This is a good signal for health.

I know also, that smiling helps to take away the wrinkles from my face. When I smile, my face and my whole body lights up and I tend to feel very much alive. Anyone that smiles also tend to look very beautiful and attractive.

My smile get broader when I see food.

Smiling makes one look younger. With a nice smile, you become all radiating and ravishing with splendor. I personally know that I have my best looks when I am smiling.

There is this beautiful combination of my smile and the sun rays.

There are some many things I find as being benefits of smiling. It has also been said that smiling helps to boost the immune system. This is very interesting. From my research, I was able to find these seven established health benefits of smiling. They include!

"Improved Mood - Smiling releases endorphins, which helps a person feel happier and more positive. A Scientific American study found that facial expressions, such as smiling, can improve one’s mood and increase positive thoughts. So, the next time you’re feeling a little blue, try smiling – it might make you feel better!

Pain Relief - Believe it or not, a good laugh relieves some body aches or pains. As mentioned above, laughing also triggers the release of endorphins – the body’s natural feel-good chemical. According to Mayo Clinic, laughter actually is the best medicine, as it allows the body to produce its own natural painkillers. So, get a good laugh in, because it’s healthy!
Lower Blood Pressure - Heart health is very important and laughing or smiling more can help lower your blood pressure. An article, published by The College of Family Physicians, says that the act of laughter can lead to an immediate increase in heart rate and oxygen consumption, followed by a period of muscle relaxation, decreased heart rate and lower blood pressure. Even the small amount helps reduce someone’s risk of developing heart disease.
Stronger Immune System - Did you know that laughing or smiling helps boost your body’s immune system? Well, it does! A WebMD study states that laughter, which often starts with a smile, increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, which improves your resistance to illnesses.
Stress Reliever - That’s right, smiling or laughing activates and relieves your stress response. Studies where individuals had to face stressful situations while smiling were found to have lower heart rates compared to those who weren’t smiling.
Better Relationships - A study, completed by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, found that people who smile are usually identified as being more likable, compared to those who don’t smile. If you are a “likable” person, then you also have a better chance at building and maintaining relationships with people – which benefits you and your overall well-being.

Younger Appearance - While you might not actually decrease in age, smiling or laughing more often can give the illusion that you look younger than you are. A Psychology and Aging study showed that when a group looked at photos of happy faces, they guessed the age of the person in the photo as younger compared to photos of the same person with a neutral or angry expression
." Source

Those days when I was a fine young man.

So great people, with these facts and with the personal joy I get from smiling, I am going to be conscious enough to be smiling even more. Imagine getting all these benefits without having to even pay a dime.

When I decide to have some fun

I can wholly agree that the most important things in life are actually very free. With just a simple act of smiling we can all improve our lives and increase our lifespans.



 3 years ago 

Hi @akcares
Thank you for your participation :)

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