HPL Fried Chicken Event - Closing
It's autumn now. The temperatures in Korea, the United States, and Europe are gradually dropping.
These days, we often feel tired in our daily lives and sometimes stressed with work. That's why I'm planning a small joyous event with HPL chicken.
What kind of community should Harry Potter's Library (HPL) become? Or, how can it evolve or develop in a more friendly direction?
We'll select the top 3 responses through voting and award Steem to the winners, which can be used to buy chicken.
Please click the link below to share your thoughts through Google Forms.
Feel free to choose from the examples or leave your own suggestions in the "Others" section. If that's too much trouble, you can also comment on this post. There's no strict format.
Event Participation Form
-Revised to input Steem ID to get rewards
- Anyone (HPL Members and all Steemit users)
- Priority will be given to those who have posted at least once in the HPL Community. However, if you provide valuable feedback, you can receive prizes regardless of membership status.
- 1st Place: 100 Steem, equivalent to 2 chickens
- 2nd Place: 50 Steem, equivalent to 1 chicken
- 3rd Place: 10 Steem, equivalent to 1 chicken leg
Event Period
- October 13, 2023 - October 28, 2023
- The winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place) will be selected through member voting on October 30, 2023.
- If there are few participants, prizes will be distributed to all those who actively and joyfully participated, at the discretion of the HPL management team.
Harry Potter Library (HPL) Community
Please join the HPL community. You will get upvotes for your posts. Simply join and post there using the tags "hpl" or "harrypotterlibrary" in your post.
- Community Address: https://steemit.com/trending/hive-140602
- About HPL Community:
EN: Harry Potter Library - HPL
KR: 해리포터의 도서관 (Harry Potter Library, HPL)