“Steemit Engagement Challenge S11W5| Steem, say no to animal abuse,”steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem of Animalslast year

Hello friends and family, accept warm greetings from my home country Cameroon.It’s a great pleasure participating in this week4 Steemit Engagement challenge.I will be sharing my thoughts focused on the given topic “Steem say no to animal abuse”.



Animals have gone through a lot forms of abuse based on the notion some people have about s them.Most animal lovers will always try to protect the life’s of animals .While anti- lovers, will treat the way they want without any care .I think these animals need to be protected.I will sharing my own opinion based on the guidelines questions below.I hope you people will find it interesting reading.

What does the expression “Don’t disturb our habitats means”

This expression don’t disturb our habitats animals means animals need to protected and kept in an environment where there will be comfortable where ever they find their selves.They need the rights to live in peace , comfortable and in a calm environment where there will not be disturb.

For Instance some people are lovers of dogs but you will never find them taking care of this pets . There are just good at keeping them in a tide catcher or box which there can’t breath well , sleep well or even feed them well.

I think in this situation you are disturbing the right of the dog to live well.I don’t see any need taking an animal like dog that you can’t protect or take of but rather making the environment to be uncomfortable for them.

Have you found an abuse around you share with us and explain why it happened?

In my country Cameroon, one thing I have noticed is that majority of the population are not lovers of animals.Many people chased these animals pets away to move in streets and buses stranded with no care .Some even killed them because they feel these animals not deserve to live with people.

I have witnessed a cased where a man brought cat to his house because he is a lover of this animal .On the contrary the wife hate anything concerning pets .Most of the time when the husband is around .The wife will starve this cat for days without feeding or taking care of it.



One day it got to a point where this woman had to poison the cat to death because she never wanted any pets home.The funniest thing is that the husband had the notion of neighbors killing his cat .Without knowing the wife is responsible because she hate anything like animal around her.

Eventhough other habitats like lion, elephants, monkeys etc .Are strictly protected by the government of my country .Any who try to violate their can be imprisoned or jail for life .Depending on the crime committed.

Is there a real form of legal approach taken by country government that regulated human action toward animals ?How is it formed explained?

As I earlier mentioned some species of habitats are highly protected by the government of my country except pets animal like dog, Cats etc .Habitats like monkeys ,elephants,lion, gorillas etc are solely protected by the government.In my country we have trained forest guides who are recruited to protect these animals in the forest so that there can’t easily be harmed.

The government have prohibited the consumption or killing of these animals I have mentioned.Any one that goes against the law and caught will face the law .May has been jailed in my country because of animal abuse.For this the government of my country doesn’t joke with but take it very serious.



As for pets like dogs , cats there is no regulation given by the government to protect their lives .You find some restaurant selling these pets and they have coded words they use for their costumers .Let say no to all form of animals abuse.

If you have to come up with a slogan to stop animals abuse what will it be ?

My slogan to stop animal abuse is “Animals have the right to live and to be protected”.This is just like human beings always fight for their right.Therefore, I think everyone have the right to live to live both man and animal .



We can’t be fighting for our rights as humans while depriving others from their own rights.I think if animal rights are given as deserved.We will all live a happy life together in an conducive environment.

I have come to the end of my presentation, I would invites @crisvera @anroja @josepha and @wilmer1988 to participate in this contest.

 last year 

Saya turut simpati membaca kekerasan nyata yang dilakukan pada binatang oleh orang di sekeliling anda. Saya pikir mereka kurang menyadari bahwa hewan juga memiliki hak untuk hidup dengan baik. Semoga tidak ada lagi kejadian seperti itu. Selalu sukses teman 👍🏻

 last year 

Thank you for the support , animals need to be protected to live in peace in any environment there find themselves

 last year 

Es lamentable la situación que vive los perros y gatos en tu país, siendo que estos animalitos domésticos y necesitan amor, cuido y protección al igual que los silvestres que tanto protege el gobierno.

Que mala acción la de la señora, la de envenenar al gato, son personas sin escrúpulos ni sentimientos.

Gracias por la invitación.

Saludos 🤗

 last year 

Thanks for the support and also engaging in my post friend .Let say to animal abuse

 last year 

In one way or another, animals need to be protected, my friend, because just as there are those who love them, there are others who do not, and that is where the mistreatment and abuse against them come from.

Animals need that comfortable place where they feel safe and that they are in a place where they cannot be harmed.

Most people don't like animals, but that's why they have no right to abuse them, let alone mistreat them.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

 last year 

Thanks for the comment friend , you have said all .Wether we like it or not we need to protect animals to live in a safe environment

 last year 

God created the animals to cohabit the earth with humans, his principles allows us to kill animals for food, or clothing etc. But then he required that we treat animals with kindness, we shouldn't maltreat or exploits them because this will be wickedness on our part. Success!

 last year 

Thanks for the support dear friend, you have rightly said , we need to protect and maltreat animals , I hope majority of people in my country who hate habitat should learn this .


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Curated by : @ubongudofot


 last year 

@ubongudofot thanks for the support

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