The diary game for 05/06/2024 // Today I cooked chicken biryani for my kids

in Steem of Animals2 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum


Woke up at 6am today. After waking up, I took a short walk outside the house. There is a road in front of our house. There I saw some people carrying sacks of paddy on bicycles. I came home after wandering for some time. Then I got fresh at seven in the morning. I freshened up and made breakfast for everyone in the house. After making breakfast. I picked some chillies from a vegetable garden at the back of my house.


Then came home and had breakfast. After finishing breakfast, some vegetables and potatoes were brought from the market. I put them in order. We have a cow farm in our house. I went to the farm and fed the cows along with some hay. There are also some pet chickens in the house. I also fed the chickens in the morning. I saw a chicken sitting in the yard with its eyes closed. It was 11 o'clock in the morning while they were doing some work.


Then I went to the kitchen to cook lunch. Today my son & daughters wanted to eat biryani. So I thought I will cook biryani with chicken meat. So in the afternoon I cooked biryani with chicken meat. Today I cooked biryani in clay friend oven. It was almost 1 pm while cooking. I finished all the work and took a bath. Bathed the children. After bathing I let them eat biryani. I gave it with cucumber salad. I also had lunch while they were eating. Then I took an afternoon nap in the room with my kids.

I woke up and saw that it was afternoon. I got fresh. I got fresh and went to the roof of the house. I planted some flowers on the roof of the house. Small flowers bloomed on that flower tree. I took a picture of that flower tree. There were two birds on the roof of the house. I let the birds drink water and came to the room with some food. I came to the room and cut the ripe mangoes from our tree and ate them. While eating, I see a cat walking outside.


I saw it was evening with Jalala. So I installed the windows. Then I came to the kitchen and made tea in the evening. When my kids wake up, I wake them up. I gave them ripe mangoes to eat.

Then I made my eldest son to teach. It is almost 8 pm. Then I fed them and put them to sleep. They fell asleep. It was around 10 pm. I also ate dinner. I did not cook tonight. Had dinner with lunch.

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