The Diary Game || 09.06.2024 || I helped my mother cut fish

in Steem of Animals18 days ago

Assalamu Alaikum

I got up this morning, brushed my teeth and prayed Fajr. Then we gave food to our chickens. I went out and saw my aunt coming out with a goat. I also told aunty that I will also go. After tying the goat, I took a pick with the goat. The goat is black in color. Then we went out for a walk. The morning sky is very beautiful. It is also good for walking. Trees around, houses. A big tall tree. The village roads are very beautiful. Some are bringing paddy, some are leaving the paddy. Coming home, grandmother is drying cucumber seeds in the van for seeding. Aunt brought some seeds to plant cucumber. There are many cucumber seeds. I came home and had a fresh breakfast. Then I cleaned the room and swept the room. Father brought many fishes. My mother told me to cut them. I cut them again. I made it clear. Mother cooked. My father used to bring many kinds of small and big fish.


I freshened up my nephew. I also got fresh and offered Zohr prayer. Then we all sat together and had lunch. I was sitting outside with my nephew and already some birds came and sat in the courtyard. The birds were eating. My nephew was very happy to see the birds. A fly is sitting on the stem of a vegetable plant. The fly was sitting and eating. Looks good. Then I talked with my elder sister.


At 5 o'clock in the afternoon I freshened up and offered Asr prayer. Then I went out for a walk with my brothers and sisters. I walked to grandmother's house. There they will pick with cows. I also gave it. After talking for a while I came home.


It is 6.30 pm. I washed my hands and had breakfast. Everyone sat together and ate. Had breakfast and tea. I fed my nephew milk. Then I sat down and cut some of my aunt's books. A lizard came out of nowhere. Put in the book. The lizard was small in size. There was no hand. It was very painful to see the lizard. I also left it in a paper. Then he left.


At 9.40 pm, I offered Isha prayer. Then had dinner. After that I read a little book. Nephew is turning the light on and off again. He really liked the red light. I let him sleep again, I took a mobile phone and ran Facebook. Then I let him sleep.


My mobile camera: Samsung Galaxy A10s

Achievement :- 1 My introduction Post To Newcomers community


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