THE DIARY GAME 10 July 2024 || Today in the afternoon I went for a walk with a younger brother

in Steem of Animals6 days ago

Hello, I'm @toufiq777

Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.

The Diary Game

I didn't sleep last night. Once in the morning I prayed Fajr. After that I was asleep after working on the mobile phone for a while. Then woke up after 11:30 am. I woke up and had some work on my mobile. I worked them. Then I had a glass of water, along with some raisins. Then I had breakfast. Today, I was wet for breakfast. After that I sat for a while. Then I ate mango. Then I brushed my teeth.



Today at noon I went to the market. I got into a rickshaw and went to the market. Going to the market, I first went to a tailor's shop. We were allowed to make pants there. I bought those pants first. After that I went to the market and bought a bowl of beef from the hotel. Then bought rambai and pineapple from a shop. Then I got into the rickshaw and came home. I came home and took a bath. I finished the bath and performed the Zuhr prayer After praying I had lunch. After lunch I took a medicine. Then I was asleep.





I woke up in the afternoon and ate a banana first. Then I ate some rambai. After performing ablution, I performed Asr prayer. I went out after praying. I met a younger brother. I walked with him to Saidpur Government College. While passing by the road I saw a dog. The dog was walking along the road. I saw the dog and walked a little faster. Because I am very afraid of dogs. Today's dogs are a little crazy type. When then sits with a bite. On the way, I saw two goats sitting on the side of the road. The goats were sitting on one side of the road. Before evening, the owner of the goats will bring them into the house. We sat for some time next to the college. Then we came to the market. After coming to the market, I first entered the mosque and performed the Maghrib prayer. Then I bought nuts from a store. Then I bought 5 kg of mangoes from a shop. Then I bought a sack of rice from a shop. Then I got into the rickshaw and came home.







I came home and washed my feet Then I ate almonds first. Then I ate a piece of pineapple. Then I went to bed. I did some work on the mobile while lying on the bed. It was ten o'clock in the night when I finished the work. After that I will perform Isha prayer. After finishing the prayer, I will do it for a while. Then I will have dinner.


Device: Samsung Galaxy A13


Thank you


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