“Steemit Engagement Challenge S11-W5 | Steem, Say no to animal abuse,"

in Steem of Animals11 months ago (edited)

I'm @sumayaorin from #Bangladesh

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Hey there, fellow champions of furry paws and feathered dreams! I'm absolutely thrilled to dive headfirst into the "Steem, Say No to Animal Abuse" challenge with all you passionate souls. I hope this message finds you wrapped in the warm embrace of animal love and ready to take on the world for our beloved creatures.
1️⃣ What does the expression "Don't disturb our habitat" mean?

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Imagine the trees whispering their secrets to the wind, the rivers telling tales of ancient journeys, and the earth cradling life in its gentle embrace. That's their world, their home—the habitat that's not just a place, but a haven for every critter, big and small. When we hear "Don't disturb our habitat," it's a plea from the heart of Mother Nature herself. It's a heart-wrenching request to tread lightly, for our actions ripple through the lives of creatures that can't speak our language. Let's heed this call, and ensure their homes remain safe, untouched by the chaos we humans sometimes bring.

2️⃣Have you found animal abuse around you? Share with us and Explain why it happened.

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Close your eyes and think of those innocent eyes that have known nothing but affection, now dulled by pain and fear. It's a harsh reality we often turn away from. I remember the day I stumbled upon a scene that still haunts me—the sight of dogs, once joyful, now shadows of suffering. It's a story of cruelty born from ignorance, a tragic tale where empathy took a backseat. We need to tell these stories, to open hearts and minds, so that the tears of these innocent souls can water the seeds of change.

3️⃣ Is there a real form of legal approach taken by your country's government that regulates human actions towards animals? How is it formed? Explain

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In the embrace of my country's laws lies a shield for our furry and feathered friends—the Animal Welfare Act. Imagine the voices that came together to shape this protective umbrella, the countless hours of advocacy, the unstoppable force of compassion. It's a testament to the fact that change is born when passionate souls come together. Our government, the animal welfare warriors, legal wizards, and the ordinary citizens—each brick in the foundation of this fortress of protection. It's a burst of pure joy that our society is finally transforming their perceptions and beginning to see animals not just as things, but as magnificent, precious lives that are utterly deserving the respect!

4️⃣ If you had to come up with a slogan to stop animal abuse, what would it be?

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"Kindness Unleashes Compassion, Stop Animal Abuse Today!"
This is more than just a statement or slogan; it should be heard around the world as a call to arms.. Envision the potential inherent in every act of generosity, the ripple effects of kindness capable of altering lives. With this slogan, we're summoning the hero within, urging everyone to step up and say, "Enough is enough." It's a promise—a promise that we can rewrite the narrative of abuse into a symphony of care and understanding.

In the symphony of life, let's be the crescendo of change. The "Steem, Say No to Animal Abuse" challenge isn't just an engagement, it's a movement. A movement that's driven by love, powered by compassion, and aimed at building a world where every paw print leaves a trail of joy, not pain. Let's embark on this journey together, weaving stories of hope and weaving a tapestry of kindness. Because when hearts connect, change is inevitable, and the world becomes a better place for all creatures, great and small.


I would like to invite my friends @goodybest @ridwant @eliany @edmund.nef @radjasalman @lirvic to participate in this contest.

My 1st Achievement


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It is interesting to see how eager you are in doing these work and how participate in contest. Keep on sharing and thanks for inviting me.


 11 months ago 

Yes I'm totally agreed with your slogan

"Kindness Unleashes Compassion, Stop Animal Abuse Today!"

We should not abuse animals because they have also senses and can feel pain and hurting. So it is a very bad thing to abuse innocent creation of Allah Almighty. You have shared a very informative article with us 😁.
Praying for your success 🤞

 11 months ago 

Industrial development and growth are the "reasons" for legalizing forest encroachment. Indirectly is the expulsion and narrowing the home for the habitat of millions of animals and species.

You have explained well my friend..

Animals have nothing but affection towards us, abusing them will make that balance tilt towards one side. We can't be shown love and all we give back is pain, they deserve love.

Hello, the laws for animals should exist all over the world, how good it is in your country if they apply it and take care of them.

I wish you luck, Regards.

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