SEC - S18W4 : Animal Welfare

in Steem of Animalslast month (edited)

Hello,I'm @sumayaorin , from #Bangladesh

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Greetings to all my fellow steemian animal lovers in the platform. It's my hope that all are you are safe and healthy. Today , I'd like to talk about something that's close to our hearts:Animal Welfare . Animals are an important part of our ecosystem because they keep the world safe without being seen. Despite this, their worth is often not seen because we keep using them for our own benefit. Additionally, I'd like to invite my Steemian friends @lirvic, @nanidi, and @dove11 to share their opinions on this important topic for this week.
What do you think about the use of animals for human benefit, such as in the fashion, entertainment and consumer products industries?

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When people use animals for our own gain, like in entertainment, fashion, or consumer goods, it shows that we don't value them as individuals. I strongly disagree with such actions. It's important to remember that there are other options available; we don't have to use innocent animals for our own pleasure or profit. We shouldn't have to rely on animal goods for fashion or entertainment. It is also not moral.

What do you think about the use of animal products in everyday life, such as leather, fur and ivory?

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Take a look at how leather , fur, and ivory are used in daily life. Some people may see these things as signs of wealth or sophistication , but I see them as signs of abuse and exploitation. Why should we kill billions of animals for style or status? The search for luxury shouldn't cost innocent lives or damage to the earth. We need to change our goals and look for other materials that don't involve hurting living things.

What can individuals do to contribute to protecting animals from exploitation?

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People have a lot of power in the fight against animal abuse. We can make a big difference as a group if each of us takes a stand. One important step is to refuse to eat any kind of animal food. Every choice matters, like not eating meat or not buying clothes made from materials that come from animals. In addition, we shouldn't support businesses that use animals for profit, like shows and marine parks.

Bringing about change requires a lot of education and understanding. People like us can use our positions to teach others about the bad effects of exploiting animals. We can get other people to join the cause by letting them know about the moral and environmental effects of our activities. We can make our voices heard and encourage people to care about animals through small actions like planning neighbourhood events or starting educational campaigns.
In the end, using animals for human gain is a terrible wrong that can't be ignored. As people who care for this world , it is our duty to keep all living things safe and healthy. The world will be a better place for future generations if we don't use animal goods and speak out for their health. We should all work together to stop using animals for fun and teach people to care for and respect all living things.


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 last month 

My X/Twitter share link is 👉here

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Appreciated 👍 .. a great and unique post u wrote about animals walfare, I read your complete post , your words told that you have a kind heart 💜 and you are a animals lover , you summerize your post that using animals as a entertainment is wrong in this regard we don't value them .. I am agreed with your perspective ❤️ thankyou for sharing such a great article

 last month 

Many people do not value animals as friends but rather they are used as
own benefit, such as in entertainment, fashion or consumer goods of people although they do not speak if they feel and suffer, exiate other things for commercialization and that bring benefits to industries not only animals, and they can use other means to carry out tests scientific.

Many people tend to use animal skin and show it because of its high cost, something that I do not agree with. If a fight is used where we all agree, we will surely be heard and there will be no animal abuse.

Saludos 👍🇻🇪

 last month 
Greetings @wilmer1988 Sir,

It's disheartening that many people exploit animals for entertainment, fashion, and consumer goods, ignoring their capacity to feel and suffer. Using animal skins as status symbols, for example, involves immense cruelty, which is something I strongly oppose. By advocating for cruelty-free alternatives and humane scientific testing methods , we can reduce the demand for animal products. If we unite and raise our protest with collective voice against animal abuse , we can drive drastical change and promote a future where animals are treated with respect and compassion.
Thank you for you meaningful words.

 last month 

Hello dear @sumayaorin!

It is great that you place a high value on opposing the use of animals for commercial purposes particularly in fashion and entertainment. Promoting animal welfare is essential to creating a more caring society. Warm regards

 last month 

You're very correct my friend we shouldn't have to rely on animals for entertainment and fashionable things because it is not good, yes animals are created by God but we should learn how to treat them like humans, the fact that they don't speak doesn't mean we should do them the way we want.

Indeed why should we kill animals just for fashion and entertainment it is very bad, as humans there's more to life than doing all this unnecessary things to animals in the name of entertainment.

The use of animals for exploitation is very wrong and i am seriously against it, a collective effort by humans will really help in stopping this activity.

I wish you success in this challenge, do have a nice and lovely 😍 day.

 last month (edited)
Greetings @bonaventure24,

Thank you for your thoughtful response. I completely agree that relying on animals for entertainment , fashion is both unethical and unnecessary. Animals deserve to be treated with kindness and respect , just as humans do , regardless of their inability to speak. Exploiting animals for such purposes is cruel and must be stopped. By working together, we can advocate for humane and sustainable alternatives. Your commitment to this cause is inspiring , and I wish you success in your efforts.

Have a wonderful and lovely day! 😊

 last month 

I pray the world entire stops maltreatment of animals in the name of entertainment and recreational activities and also put an end to animal exploitation.

The pleasure is all mine dear friend 😊 have a blessed 🙌 day ✨️

 last month 

Hello dear friend, @sumayaorin

  • We who live in the society to acquire the right knowledge towards animals with our images. Because the importance of environment is above all to live in a beautiful and fluent environment. Hey, animals have a role to play in making this environment beautiful. Because of which we all should take care of ourselves as well as take care of our surroundings especially animals. You have explained the meaning very nicely through your post which is very valuable to me and I believe you will do better in the next works as well. You keep your consistency like this and inshallah there will be better things ahead.

Best regards from @robin42

 last month 
Greetings @robin42 ,

Many thanks for your kind message. We need to realize the importance of animals and the significance for keeping the world beautiful and balanced. Animals are very important to our world and enviornmentt and we need to take care of them just like we do ourselves and our surroundings . That's great that my post spoke to you; your thanks really inspire me. I will keep trying to be consistent and get better at what I do. We will, God willing, do even more great things together in the future as we work to make the world more caring and earth-friendly.

 last month 

@sumayaorinapu ❤️ as humans do injustice to animals and do not value them. It is not at all desirable that we use animals for our own needs. Innocent creatures or the earth should not be harmed in pursuit of luxury. Showed wisdom about very beautiful animals. Best wishes to you.

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