The Diary Game : 07.06.2024 || Today after a long time I came home to my village

in Steem of Animals3 months ago

Hope everyone is well. I am fine too. I will share my day with you today.


I was on the bus all night yesterday. I got off the bus early in the morning. What a joy to come home today after a long day. I got off the bus and saw that it was just morning. Mother opened the gate. I came home and saw that everyone was sleeping. I showered and had a light breakfast. Then I also slept. Because I could not sleep in the bus at night. I woke up and saw my aunt soaking the milk. I asked what to do with so much milk. She said she will cook chicken curry. Today my mother cooked chick curry. And my aunt fried fish. I ate rice in the morning. Then I ate and slept again. The body felt very tired. So I was falling asleep again and again.




I woke up and saw many flowers blooming on our belli flower tree. I picked flowers from the tree and made a garland. Then I thought to put Alata on my hand. My sister was earnest to pat her. So I put my younger sister's hand on my hand and I also put my hand on my hand. Then I put the pearl necklace on my hand. Then I went out. My younger sister and I went outside and took pictures. We both took many pictures.



I came to his room. Because the sky was covered with thick black clouds It seems like it will rain heavily. So I hurried home. I came home and saw my grandmother cutting mangoes. She cut many mangoes. I ate some mangoes. Then I ate biscuits. Then I killed my younger sister. After a long time, two sisters got together. My younger sister stays at home and I stay in Mymensingh for my studies. So the two sisters no longer have to stay together. At night I saw a black insect on the floor of the house. These are in the wood. These insects cut wood. These insects can be found indoors during summer.



Then everyone in the house had dinner together. After many days I sat and had dinner with everyone. I loved the moment. I have come home for a long vacation. I will stay at home for a long time. I have many plans to do this time. I don't know what will happen. Let the holidays go slowly. I have to sleep early today. I sleep early at home. But sleep does not want to come easily. It's 2.30 am and I'm still awake It has become my habit. This is how I spent my whole day today.


Camera - Realme note 12

Thank you everyone for reading my post


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