Animal welfare.

in Steem of Animals18 days ago (edited)

Assalam O alaikum.


Hello my steem friends I am excited to share the opinion of human welfare.Animal have been a part of humans life providing us with companionship food clothings and even entertainments. as our society has advance the way in which we use animals have raised importantly ethicals question. It is crucial to consider whether it right to use animals for our benefits especialy in industries like fashions entertainment's and consumer product. This post explore my thoughts on the use of animals in these area, the impact of animal products our daily lives and what individual can do help protect animals from exploitation.

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The used of animal for human benefit.

Using animals for human benefits in fashion entertainment and consumer products a complex issues. On one hand animals have historical provide valuables resource. the methods use to obtained these resource often involved suffering and harm to animals.
the fashion industries animal are use to produced items
like leathers fur and wools. Leather are made from the hides of cow sheep and goat to other animal. Fur come from animals like mink fox and rabbits. Wool are shared from sheepskin. While these products are seen as luxuriously and fashionable the process to obtain them can be cruel. Animal raised for their skins or fur and often kept in poor condition and subjected to painful procedure.
In entertainment animal are used in circuse zoos and movies. While it can be excited to see exotic animals up closed their living conditions are often far from ideals. Many animals in captivity suffer from stress depression and healths problem because they cannot live in their natural habitat behave naturally.
In the consumer products industry animals are often used in testing cosmetics and household products. this can involved exposing animals to harmful chemical to see if the products are safe for human. This testings can cause pain and suffering to the animals.
The Use of Animal Products in Everyday Life
Animal product like leather fur and ivory are common in everyday life. Leather is used for shoes bags and furniture. Fur is used in coats and accessorie. Ivorys come from elephant teeth is used for jewelries and ornament. While these products can be beautiful and functional often come at a high cost to animal welfare.
The productions of leather and fur involves killing animals and processing their skin. Ivory is obtained by killing elephants which are often endangered. The demands for these products drives illegal poaching and trades further threatening wildlife population.

Protecting animals from exploitations.

There are many individual can help protected animal from Exploitations. Here are few suggestion.

Chooses cruelty free products.

products that are label as cruelty free vegan. These product do not involve animals testing or animal derive ingredient.

Support ethical brand .

Support brand that prioritize animal welfare use sustainable practice. Many companies are using alternatives material like synthetics leather and faux fur.

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Avoid animal entertainment.

Avoid supporting entertainment's they involved animal exploitation such as circus and marines park. Instead visited wildlife sanctuaries and supported conservation afforts.

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Spread awarenss:

Educate other about important animal welfare and the impact of their choice. Sharing informations on social media and participating animal rights campaigns can make difference.

Advocates stronger laws:

Supporting legislations that protect animal from cruelty and Exploitations this include laws that ban animal testing restrict the trades of animal products and protect endangered species.


The used of animal for human benefits in industries like fashions entertainments and consumers product raised important ethical question while animal product have been a part of humans life for centuries it is essential to considered the welfare of animal and seeks alternative that don't involved cruelty. By making conscious choice and advocating for stronger protection individual can contribute to a world where animal are treated with respect and compassionate.

i am inviting: @lirvic @paholags @memamun


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 17 days ago 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

El maltrato animal es un tema que se minimiza con mucha frecuencia y, en gran medida esto se debe a que la grandes corporaciones comerciales y por supuesto, de entretenimiento se alimentan de ellos pero, si la sociedad civil nos revelamos nte esto, podemos comenzar a trabajar en pro del cuidado de los animales porque, no está bien afectarlos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

 17 days ago 

Hello dear friend, @sana-khan01

  • There are very few people in the world who do not like pets. So everyone likes them but its abuse is more common in our society which does not go unnoticed. But we have to remember one thing that it is our responsibility to keep the beautiful environment more beautiful in this beautiful world. And so we should do various awareness posts to keep this world beautiful and inform each other about it. You have expressed your views on animals through your post which is very appreciative of what you have written which I like very much. I hope your love for animals will always be strange in the days to come.

Best regards from @robin42

 17 days ago 

Hello dear @sana-khan01!

I think it is great that you support businesses that follow ethical and do not use cruelty in their products. The fashion and retail products sectors may greatly enhance animal welfare by promoting replacements for materials obtained from animals. Great work 👍

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