animals-photography|part 15@saku49539

in Steem of Animals7 months ago

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-06 at 18.12.10_42f6a8b2.jpg

Hello friends. I hope you are all well. Today I am going to participate the contest which known as "Animals-photography|part 15" organized by @muzack1. This is a very sensible contest I have seen in this platform. First of all I would like to thank him for bringing this contest. Let's go to the article.

Today I am going to talk about one caterpillar. You must have heard about butterflies. The butterfly is an insect that everyone loves. These butterflies spend the caterpillar stage of their life cycle. In this image you can see a caterpillar of a butterfly. Most caterpillars are ugly, but this caterpillar is very beautiful. It's like a piece of snow. I found it when it was in a flower pot in my garden.

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My own image

You can see the decorative flower plant in this flower pot. The tips of many leaves of that plant have been eaten by this caterpillar. As if cut beautifully with a sharp blade. I used to think that someone at home had cut these. But no one at home has cut their leaves. So I checked this plant daily. That's when I met this caterpillar. It is a very fast caterpillar. It eats leaves while watching with naked eyes. In this picture you can see the flower plant with the leaves it has eaten.

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My own image

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My own image

This caterpillar has a white stuffy substance on its body. All the legs and mouth of this caterpillar are covered with this white things . It has a black color around its mouth. I think this is an adaptation to the environment for their protection. If they are in a white environment, it is impossible to identify . Even in a green environment, they look like a piece of stuffing.

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My own image

I looked for details on this caterpillar. All I could find was that this caterpillar was a caterpillar instance of a butterfly. I could not find the name of this caterpillar. But it is so beautiful that I thought I would share some pictures with you. The white cottony parts of this caterpillar are very beautiful as they move in the wind. You can see it in the video below.
The video

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My own image

Nature is a wonderful designer. It becomes clear to us when we collide with the environment. This caterpillar is a perfect example of that. To me this caterpillar is beautiful. But some people find the shape of this caterpillar very ugly. They are really very innocent animals. Some caterpillars have poisonous hairs. It is for their safety. So we think of all caterpillars as poisonous. But it is not like that. They are also part of the organisms that balance this ecosystem.

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My own image

So guys, that's how my article ended. All animals from big animals like elephant, deer and tiger to the smallest ant have rights in this environment. And all of them are essential animals for this environment. Whether they are big or small in size, they do a great job for the environment. So as humans we must understand it. Enjoying their beauty is not a problem. But it should not hinder their freedom. So for today I will end the article. See you again one day.

Camera deviceSamsung A 20

Finally I would like to invite @nishadi89, @damithudaya and @sudaraka96 for this contest.

Thank you!

 7 months ago 

Your post about the caterpillar and its role in the ecosystem is informative. Caterpillars may not be as popular as butterflies, but they indeed play a crucial part in nature. Your observations and images help shed light on their unique characteristics. It's essential to appreciate and protect all creatures in our environment. Good job! 🐛🌿🦋


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