Steemit Engagement Challenge S11-W3 | My favorite Fable

in Steem of Animalslast year
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Greetings friends

This week's engagement topic from this community is a great one as always because it brings me memories of my childhood about the animals around us. Animals like humans are part of God's creation and have played wonderful roles in human life and folktales, bringing to center stage the Fables. Here I am to share some of the most amazing fables I was told as a kid, hope you enjoy it.

What is your favorite fable, Give your reasons why?

Fables have always been my best short stories because they use animals, mythical creatures, inanimate objects, or forces of nature as the main characters to teach moral lessons, advise on proper behavior and manners, and offer adages to live by which are usually summed up in an essay-to-remember phrase such as “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” and “sour grapes.”

I've come across a lot of fables from my grandmother as a form of "Tales by Moonlight" from our grandmothers, mine wasn't excluded from the Tales by Moonlight as she would always gather us around to tell us different fables every opportunity she gets.

Among my favorites are fables that always involved the wisdom of the Tortoise, as in The Tortoise and the Hare. For those who might not be familiar with this fable, here is the summary of how I was told of it.


The fable was about a footrace between the Tortoise and the Hare. The Hare would make jeers at the tortoise, banking on how he is naturally much faster than the crawling slow tortoise. That the race was won even before it began in the first place.

Therefore, banking on his speed, the hare takes several long breaks and wastes time relaxing between quick sprints during the race. Whereas, the tortoise moved steadily onward, since he was known to be a slug. In the end, the tortoise won the race.


The moral lesson we were meant to learn from this story is that: “Slow and steady wins the race.” and that life is not always about the swift or the strong, that if we are focused and determined towards a goal, we would achieve it not minding the circumstances.

Did the fairy tale teach you anything, did it influence your life?.

The idea of a fable is to teach morals from those things we see around us, or we hope to see someday (in mythical creatures, e.g unicorns), so yes I did learn from not just my favorite fable but from every other one I was lucky to come to hear or read.

There are several other fables I was so lucky to have learned, but this one has always been my favorite reason being of the background hail, and it has helped me calmly do things and achieved success even though I wasn't fully equipped like the Tortoise was not equipped for the race as much as the Hare.

This fable not only influenced but shaped my idea of life. As much as I would love to see myself as the hare in the fable (I.e be on the favored side), I learn also that if you see yourself in that position, you shouldn't misuse the opportunity whereas, being the Tortoise also shouldn't discourage you from giving your best.

How many fables have you heard through them? Mention a few titles that are still in your memory.

The number of fables I've come across in my life is uncountable, I think it's an African mother thing, virtually every creature around us has a fable to its name not forgetting the different forces of nature such as wind, water, fire, rain, etc.

But among these numerous fables, I still believe I remember a few of them and their moral lessons too. Below is a list of a few I can still remember of hand.

TitlesMoral Lessons
The Tortoise and the HareSlow and Steady wins the race (Don't give up)
The Fox and the GrapesPeople pretend to hate and criticize that which is beyond their reach
The Lion and the MouseKindness is never a wasted virtue
The Fox and the CrowDon't believe everything you hear
The Lion and the RabbitBeing smart is better than brute force
The Frog and the OxBe humble and truthful, instead of boastful

I still very much remember these few, because their moral lessons live rent-free in my head and shaped my way of life.

For now when you have become the father or mother of your children, or if you are a sister and aunt, do you tell them the fables? Which Fables do you often tell and why?.

This is a big yes for me, I will tell my kids fables as I already do with my sister's kids. The idea is that children love cheerful invitations to help them read, learn, and understand.

Therefore, these fables serve as a means to engage them in reading and learning as it not only carries likable characters, it doesn't always come with long texts too which can be boring.


Fables are a means to teach them moral lessons for their upbringing using characters they get to see daily or like to hear about making it easy for them to relate with and learn.

Fables successfully pass on morals as they are shared through both literature and oral storytelling, making them an essential part of folklore and appealing to all ages.

I would love to share every possible fable I can with them because every fable has its moral lesson attached to it so they will be delivered according to the lesson I want them to learn as it was done to me also by my grandmother which helped shaped my way of life.


Fables are never aging folktales that continue to be relevant in our society to educate people of all ages on moral lessons that are useful to any audience not necessarily children alone.

I invite, @yakspeace, @miyexi, @ruthjoe, @pelon, @f2i5 and @suboohi

Thank You for your Time

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.



Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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 last year 

The fable of the tortoise and the hare is global. I also heard it often as a child. The moral message of the fable is also very good to be taught to our children later. Good luck my friend

 last year 

Very well spoken, the children finds fables interesting as its both short and interesting. I never knew the Tortoise and Hare fable was this familiar till today. Thank you for your time and supporting 🤩🤩

 last year 

Nuestras abuelas son quienes mayormente nos contaban esas fábulas en nuestra infancias, esas que nos han dejado valiosas lecciones de de vida.

La tortuga y la liebre es una de las fábulas más famosas y que nos enseña a no menospreciar a nadie, a no sentirse sobrado, pues la tortuga demostró perseverancia y luchó hasta el final para ganarle a la liebre.

Éxitos en el concurso.

 last year 

Yes indeed, never look down on anyone or yourself no matter the situation. Our grandmothers served as the well of wisdom we drink from as we looked to them with respect. Thank you friend for your support, all the best.

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