"Don't destroy their life for your pleasure."

in Steem of Animals10 months ago (edited)

Nowadays, we get to see everywhere how animals are being treated sadly. Knowingly or unknowingly, humans do not shy away from torturing animals for their entertainment. Humans never think that animals are also living creatures like us. They too have the same rights on earth as humans do. Animals are so different that they cannot speak and express their pain.

Animals are kept in zoos for the entertainment of humans.


They are also used in circuses for the pleasure of humans. Many hunters hunt animals to entertain themselves and just as a hobby .


I am telling an incident which I have seen with my own eyes. I looked at it and it pained me a lot.

In our Hindu religion, we go on pilgrimage to Vaishno Devi temple to have darshan of Maa Durga. The temple of Maa Vaishno Devi is situated on a very high mountain . Many people go there for darshan.

There is a provision of mule for those who are unable to walk on foot. Mule means completing the journey by sitting on the back of a donkey and in return the owner of the donkey has to pay money if the donkey does not walk or does not have the courage.


After sitting down for a walking ride, the owner of the donkey puts a burning match stick on the donkey's wounded leg due to which the poor donkey has to get up and walk staggered.

Through this post, I would like to say that such activities on pilgrimages must be stopped . Don't go of you can't climb up that high , you don't have or anyone doesn't have a right to hurt these animals . Go only if you have the courage to go on your own , otherwise the worshiping can be done even while staying at home. God is everywhere 🙏.

There should be strict laws to stop atrocities against animals and at the same time, there should be a responsibility among the schools to provide such education to the children which inculcates a feeling of compassion and love for the animals. Animals are also a part of our earth.

If you give other's a painful life then you deserve a painful life too .
Don't cry for your hurtings then !

My Achievement 1


India ,September 09
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