Thediarygame (June 17, 2024): Uncovering the wisdom of the mystery of qurbani

in Steem of Animals7 days ago

Sacrifice is a historical event, we can take many lessons from this event, one of which is to continue to increase alms and don't love too much wealth for worldly life.

Today is the day when we all celebrate Eid al-Adha or we also often call it the sacrificial holiday which falls on the 10th of Dhulhijjah.

In the morning I prayed the Eid al-Adha prayer at the mosque near my house. After the prayer, as usual, the preacher took the pulpit to give a sermon.

💁‍♂️ Lessons from sacrifice


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There were several messages delivered by the preacher about the importance of Eid al-Adha. On that occasion, the preacher conveyed the history of Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail.

Prophet Ibrahim was one of the prophets of Allah who was generous and liked to give alms, one day the angel Gabriel came to Prophet Ibrahim who was guarding his livestock. Archangel Gabriel at that time came in the form of an ordinary human being.

The angel asked whose animal it was, Prophet Ibrahim replied that all these animals belonged to Allah entrusted to me. The angel then tested Ibrahim by asking for a livestock, Prophet Ibrahim then replied that one third of this animal belongs to you, but on condition that you read the salawat once.

The angel then read the salawat once, Prophet Ibrahim then said that one-third of this animal is yours. It continued to repeat up to three times until all the animals were finally handed over by Prophet Ibrahim to the angel.

Then at that time Prophet Ibrahim said if my son had to be sacrificed in the way of Allah then he was also willing, let alone his property. This is where Allah tested Prophet Ibrahim by giving an order to slaughter his son Ismail.

This event is a lesson for all of us not to love wealth and the world too much, because it can only be owned temporarily. But doing good, helping others, increasing alms to the poor, caring for orphans, and good deeds that are recommended in religion need to continue to be done because everything becomes a record of reward and good deeds in the hereafter.

⚰️ Make a pilgrimage to grandmother's grave and pray for her

After leaving the mosque, I immediately went to my parents' house to stay in touch to apologize physically and mentally, and to eat lontong and some cakes.


Reading tahlil and prayers at the grave of my grandmother who died a long time ago, I miss you.

After a few hours had passed, my family and I went to our grandmother's grave, which is not far from our house, where we immediately recited tahlil and samadiah.

After reciting some prayers we also cleaned the flowers that had fallen on our grandmother's grave, we also sprinkled new flowers and watered them with a little water.

To be honest, I also really miss my grandmother, she was a very patient, gentle and loving person. In her old age she suffered from several diseases and she survived quite a long time with the diseases she faced.

But now that my grandmother is gone, I can only pray that she remains calm in the world beyond, that all her good deeds are accepted, and that she is included in heaven, Amen.

🐂 Witness the process of slaughtering sacrificial animals


The sacrificial cow is very fat, residents are tying it to a pole to make the slaughtering process easier.

In the afternoon, I witnessed the process of slaughtering sacrificial animals in the recitation hall of Pesantren Qari Hafizh (Qaha), this slaughter was assisted by several local communities.

Lhokseumawe Police Chief Hengki Ismanto also participated in the sacrifice and handed it over to the head of the pesantren to be distributed to all the surrounding communities. During the slaughtering process he was also present at the location and witnessed it directly.

There were two oxen slaughtered, the process of cutting one ox took quite a long time, let alone having to cut it into small parts which could then be distributed to many people.


The entire process of slaughtering sacrificial animals


Of course, because of the good cooperation with the surrounding community this process can be carried out in a faster and shorter time, I myself also pay attention to every stage that is carried out.

Of all the stages, the initial stage is the most complicated process, because this animal is large so it requires the help of many people to hold this animal so that it does not move against the slaughter process.

It was getting late, in the afternoon I traveled to my in-laws' house in Langsa city, from Lhokseumawe city to Langsa city the distance is about 4 hours, I was busy driving the vehicle so I didn't have time to take some pictures. Arriving in Langsa City I immediately rested because I felt tired.

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Thus this article, hopefully useful and inspiring all who read it. Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings from @miftahulrizky

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