SEC - S18W2 : Lushka, you will be missed!

in Steem of Animalslast month

Assalamu Alaikum

Hello Everyone I Am @memamun
From #Bangladesh


Dear friends and brothers, hope all are well. Alhamdulillah I am also fine by the infinite mercy of Allah. Health is a great gift from God. I express my gratitude to him by thanking him for this blessing. Today I came to the Steem of Animals community. Where the engagement contest is being organized. The subject of the contest is SEC-S18/W2 | Lushka, you will be missed! From the best of my knowledge on this subject I will try to write inshallah. So let's begin.


I have seen since childhood that the love and care for dogs is a different feeling for mankind. Mankind cares for pets with much love and affection. Those pets give the status of love and the status of trust.


I used to be afraid of them as a child. My grandfather who loved animals very much. Animals also appreciated his love. I was very afraid to go to my grandfather, because he kept animals. Pets were very close to him.


I remember my grandpa had a dog named "Bahadur" this Bahadur had many puppies at one time. Among those children another child was very beautiful and his name was "Chhot Bahadur" My story begins with Chhot Bahadur. I used to be afraid of dogs, but since I was a child, the brave little one never left me behind.

Wherever I went, wherever I ate, he followed me. At one time my love for him came, love was born. Because he doesn't cheat me and doesn't bite me. So once upon a time I fondly called that little brave as "Sona". At that time I did not understand very well which one was correct.


But that dog I called "Sona" and loved him. I enjoyed spending time with you. I used to go to school sometimes and he followed me to school. He used to play with me when he came home again. He would also stay by my side while playing sports with other friends. He used to come and sit next to me while eating, and he would eat if I gave him some food.


In this way, day after day, he kept me and respected my love. I don't know how long I was with him, I think and heard from my grandfather, I spent about a year with him. Later that pet dog died in a car accident. I didn't understand anything then but spent time grieving over her loss

It was the first time in my life to know and understand what love is, what love is for him. I was very upset, I went to my grandfather and told my upset and he consoled me. All in all, no matter how violent a pet is, if you give them love, they give it back.


Well friends, that's it for my participation, I hope it is to everyone's liking. And I thank you in advance for the comment and support that you are willing to leave me.

I invite @hoesniy @alexanderpeace and @wakeupkitty.pal to participate in this challenge.


Thank you everyone

Good Bye


 last month 

Hola amigo, Sona debió ser un perro muy especial, al principio te daba miedo, pero luego te diste cuenta que el te seguía, te acompañaba y cuidaba. Él te escogió como amigo y tu aprendiste a quererlo.
Las mascota son eso, un amigo para hacerte la vida más feliz.

 last month 

হ্যা প্রিয় ভাই। সোনা নামক সেই পোষা কুকুরটাকে অনেক ভালোবেসে ছিলাম। যদিও শুরুতে ভয়ে ছিলাম। তবে ধীরে ধীরে তার প্রতি মায়া আর মমতা এসেছিলো। কারন সে আমার খেলার সাথী সে আমার সময় কাটানোর সাথী। আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর একটি মন্তব্য পেশ করার জন্য। ভালো থাকবেন।

 last month 

Prepared your best post Other If you talk then your grandfather had many animals and he kept a dog and his name was Bahadur If you talk he had many children and one child Naam Chhote Bahadur tha other talk so very good way you have presented this whole topic and your post is appreciable doing excellent work.

 last month 

ভালোবাসার ছলে আমরা আমাদের পোষা প্রাণীদেরকে বিভিন্ন সুন্দর নামে ডাকতে পারি। যা নিজেদের মধ্যে অনুভূতি জাগিয়ে দেয়। আমি আমার সেই ছোট বাহাদুরকে সোনা বলেও ডাকতাম। যা আমাকে এখন স্মৃতিতে ফিরে যেতে হয়। আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর একটি মন্তব্য করার জন্য। ভালো থাকবেন।

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