Capturing the Animals live in and around the Urban Environment | by @maryamnadeem

in Steem of Animalslast month
Hellow my sweet Steemian FELLOWS aslam-o-alaikum. HOPEFULLY everyone will be fine anjoy your beautiful life. 😍💓


Hi I am Maryam Nadeem from Lahore #pakistan. Come once again to join an amazing contest which is the titel is Capturing the Animals live in and around the Urban Environment. In today's age people like to keep many animals and it is our duty to love them because they are innocent birds and innocent animals and they are speechless therefore it is our responsibility to nurture and care for them. So here I am telling you that I have some pictures which are very beautiful animals and some animals in my own house which I care a lot about. So lets start. 😍

First of all I would like to tell you about an innocent animal which is very beautiful and very cute animal and many people keep it in their homes. And his name is a cat. A cat is a very beautiful animal and very innocent and loves its owner very much. The Prophet (peace be upon him) also loved and cared for cats, so it is our duty to keep this innocent animal safe and love them.

Cats are very common in the urban environment, many houses have cats with their children and many people like to keep cats in their homes. Nowadays, everyone likes cats. Because a cat is an animal that does not harm anyone but is very loving and loyal to its owner, therefore I would like to tell you about this cat that entered my house many days ago and Now I don't know where this cat came from but this cat is very cute and beautiful and it is not a wild cat at all.

Many animals have died in our Pakistan due to the extreme heat. As soon as I saw this cat entering my house, I realized that this cat is getting sensitive to heat and that's why it entered my house. I have kept this cat very lovingly and cared for it and handled it and gave it milk to drink and some homemade food to eat this cat. Very beautiful and very loving.

Now I would like to tell you about a very cute bird. These birds are rarely seen. The name of the bird is parrot. These birds are rarely seen in urban areas because these birds rarely go outside and most of the people keep these birds with them. Because the sound of these birds is very loud and they are of different types, there are also many colored parrots which look very beautiful.

I caught this bird from the roof of my own house two months ago. This bird is very beautiful. As soon as I saw it on my roof, I was very happy and I put seeds for it. When it came to feed, I loved it and kept it with me. This bird is so faithful that as soon as another person enters my house, it starts talking so that I know that there is someone in our house. A human has entered. I love my parrot very much. This parrot flies mostly in the wind and at high altitudes, so as soon as I saw it, I thought I would adopt it.

It is our duty to protect such birds in the urban environment because they are very beautiful birds and speechless birds but they are loving and clean and sterile that's why I love them so much and I love them. I love the parrot very much.

Now I would like to tell you about an animal that is rarely seen. These animals are kept in zoos in Pakistan or other cities, so these animals are mostly in the wild. Therefore, I would like to tell you about an animal that has been found here in our zoo. And the name of this animal is rhinoceros.


These animals are not at all like normal animals, they are very rare, they are seen only in zoos, etc., or they are not found in urban areas at all, that is why I would like to tell about this animal that it is took a picture of it in the zoo how this animal spends in hot summer and how it lives its life, it also has water but it is also very hot and this animal We cannot know how they live their lives, that's why I want to keep different animals and birds in my homes, but such animals are found only in zoos or forests. Friends that innocent animals like them should be protected instead of keeping them in zoos, they should be kept in forests so that they can live a safe life there and live a good life. Hope so yous like it. Take Care Allah Hafiz. 😍

I would like to invite and participate @zhanavic69, @yenny47, @marito74.
Thanks 💕

Best Regards 😍

Maryam Nadeem

Cc 😍


10% goes to @steem-ofanimals 😍

 last month 

Promoting your post on Twitter is not the right way. Read the guidelines posts to promote posts on Twitter the right way.

Hi Dear ! You write very interestingly! The animal pictures are amazing, especially the gray and black parrot.I recognize it because my sister has a parrot just like it at her home.

It's truly amazing! And the special thing is that it's also very expensive. You're lucky to have gotten it for free! If it's trained, it has the ability to mimic human speech as well.

Thanks for sharing a good post

Stay Blessed.

 last month 

Las fotos de los animales que nos muestras el día de hoy son realmente hermosas. Cuando tenemos una mascota en casa debemos cuidarlo.Ellos ys forman parte de la familia .
Te deseo éxito

 last month 

You mentioned about an innocent animal and there is no doubt that it is a very beautiful environment here and about an innocent animal you mentioned that that animal is a cat and it is a very innocent animal. Others, if speaking, have prepared a worthy post here and are doing excellent work. Other activity is great

 last month 

Your post is very informative post and I took a lot of information from it cats are really very and they can't hurt anyone as long as they are not bullied they only hurt the next human when they are wronged. This is the parrot that you mentioned and it is really a talker and when someone is enter in the house, it starts talking to him and he is here. It also known as Mian Mithu .You have created a very nice pose and I will look forward to see more of your posters like this.

Rhinoceros 🦏 is wild animals but mostly we see in zoo. This is horror to look are you feel fear when you come near him. You post is full enjoyable where you present a different animals. This is your luck that parrot come to your roof and you adopt. I wish you good luck.

 last month 

Hola amiga!

Los gatos son animales muy fieles, es por ello que en los hogares tienen a estos pequeños peludos como parte de la familia. Me gusta mucho su loro, es hermoso realmente. Se ve que usted le.brinda el cuidado y protección que necesita.

Le deseo éxitos en el reto.

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