"Activist Diary Game" 22 April 2024. My day has been a bit hectic today

in Steem of Animalslast month
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.


Cover photo edit by canva

Today is Sunday 22nd April 2024, today is the first working day of this week, but from today all educational institutions in Bangladesh have been declared as holiday, all educational institutions were supposed to open today after Eid, but from today they have declared a new holiday for seven days, due to extreme heat. Given this holiday, we all need to be careful this summer.

Today my day was a little busy, I woke up in the morning after praying Fajr and slept a little while two workers came to work in our house, I took them and showed them the work, the toilet in our house is old, it is broken and new. We have to build a toilet, for this today two workers came to our house to break the old toilet.


Selfie with two workers

I showed them the work and had breakfast, then left home to go to Madrasa, I didn't want to go to Madrasa because today was a holiday, but there was some work in Madrasa and the students had to talk about the holiday today, so it was necessary to go to Madrasa. , so after everyone's breakfast, I left for Madrasah. I left the house and wandered on the road for a while but could not find any vehicle.


After some time an auto rickshaw came I got in it and went to our market bus stand, from there I took another auto rickshaw to the bus stand near our madrasa, in the meantime our madrasah head teacher called me, after I spoke to him he asked my location, I said that , I just got off the auto rickshaw at the bus stand near Madrasa, he said no need to come to Madrasa stay there, I stayed there for a while.

After a while, the headmaster of our madrasa and two other teachers came, it was very hot, so I suggested to the headmaster that we should eat cold, then he ordered SPEED for everyone, we all sat in front of the shop and ate SPEED, our bodies felt tired in the heat. , After eating SPEED, I felt that the body got a little cold, it was very good to eat SPEED.


Speed eating moment with teachers

After that we came back home, I came home first showed the work of the workers then took a bath, took a bath and went to offer Zuhr prayer, after offering Zuhr prayer came to have lunch, while having lunch a cat came, every day three cats come but today one The cat is coming, I gave him some food, he ate the food very happily.


After lunch I took a rest, then after Asr prayer in the afternoon I went to the small market in our area, there is a medicine shop of my friend, I sat in his shop for a while and bought some medicine for myself, I returned home with the medicine. It's time for Maghrib prayer, after performing Maghrib prayer I came and played with my children.


After Isha prayer I came and had dinner, after dinner I gave some time for online work, like, wrote this post, finished online work and went to sleep.

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Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


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