Animals-photography | Mosquito

in Steem of Animals28 days ago

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Steem of Animals
animals-photography | Mosquito

Hello friends, all steem lovers

Happy to meet again with all my friends on this steemit platform. Of course I hope my friends are fine and always healthy and always successful.

As time goes by, I continue to look for my prey, of course there are various types of animals that I like, among the many animals that I meet, of course these animals often disturb our lives, both at night and during the day, and of course this animal is very dangerous for our health and it is recommended that we always Be alert and keep yourself away from this animal, namely mosquitoes


Behind my house there are lots of mosquitoes both at night and in the morning, so much so that I am very worried about my health when I am in that place, so every day after I hunt, I go home and don't stay in that place for long.

Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous animals for our lives. When a mosquito bites us, it will leave us with a stye, which is a form of bump, usually this formation is very contagious if scratched, it will produce itching so that it can cause infection on our hands. Of course, we are alert to always protect ourselves from mosquitoes and we have to prepare anti-mosquito tools such as the sea and so on


Mosquitoes are one of the animals that like very dirty places and are usually found in rubbish bins or other dirty places. I have proven this repeatedly, I see mosquitoes in dirty places, there are always mosquitoes, this proves that mosquitoes are a place that is very disliked by humans, so their presence is very, very undesirable.


Even though mosquitoes are always a nuisance in our lives, there is a good side that we need to see and we need to be an example of, namely, the body shape is very small but the influence is very big, then the shape is very unique, namely it has very sharp eyes and dangerous needles.

For those of you who like the shape of mosquitoes and their members are formed and clearly visible, I will share some pictures so that with these pictures you can enjoy both the shape of mosquitoes and their eyes so that you can examine them well. I also want to entertain you with some pictures, I hope you like them.







CameraSmartphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography
LocationAceh Utara, Indonesia

Thank you to all friends who have visited my post, I hope you are entertained by all my photos, see you in the next post.

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