Contest : Pets ini my house season 14, My land lady'cat, My kid's chicken , Pakistan

in Steem of Animals4 days ago (edited)

Assalam u Alaikum,

How are you all I am fine.I am here to participate in this competition. The name of this contest is "My House Pet". So I will introduce you to my house pet.Whenever we call someone, we call them by some name. That's why whenever any animal or toy comes to our house, it must be named. For example, look at this innocent .

Choochoo Ka Murabba😊


It was named after my youngest daughter. Because it was bought on her request. She had been with me for a long time on her way back from school, seeing the chick saler standing on the road. And she had the same stubbornness every day to see me with a chick too. I wasn't taking it because our landlord had kept a male cat. And if one day he eats her chick, my daughter will be heartbroken. Children are very innocent and soft hearted. They start crying over the slightest thing, they get happy over the slightest thing.


But fulfill their request. Whether by crying or stubbornly, that is the reason why I gave her the chick. Whose name she took on the way. Because the chick was constantly making sounds and she named it on top of its sound. When she went home, she brought out the chick in front of his siblings and all the children heard the sound of the chick, so they all named him Loved it. It is really choo choo ka marba. All the children were disturbed by the chick's choo choo at any time of the day or night. But my daughter, who brought it, would walk around holding it close to her heart so that no one would say anything to it. It is the cutest thing.
The more the little animals are touched, the sooner they get sick. And their growth also becomes lighter.


How I took care of it when away from home.

Due to it being so small in size it had to be taken care like a baby. So, Whenever we had to go somewhere with family we'd take it out of it's box (in which my daughter had placed it) and set it free in TV lounge. We used to cover sofas and other furniture so that it won't get dirty. Then we would turn lights and fans on and give him plenty of food and water.


Our chick got sick very quickly and stopped eating. Time passed and after a week the chick got sick from being in the hands of my daughter instead of cat's catch and died.
My daughter cried a lot when it died. Even I regretted why I took this chick to him. Because her heart was broken and how long she sat with her chick in front of her and said innocent talk to it. In this way, a small animal that came to the house at the request of the little daughter got sick and died at her hands.
But children are children. They do not realize that because of their love, their favorite animal dies. But it is also a way of inculcating a sense of responsibility in children that they learn how to care for and take care of innocent animals.

My Land lord's cat


Yes, this cat has been adopted by my landlord and my children have given it a beautiful name.Because it is a Prussian cat, it is named Fluffy. Because its fur is very soft and fluffy. Holding it feels like cotton, it feels like we are holding a ball made of cotton. As naughty as it looks, it is actually as innocent.
This cat was adopted by the son of our landlord. He came to their house when he was a small child. His aunt has adopted many such cats and one of them was adopted by her son. has taken I don't know what name Fluffy is called by his owner. But we will call it this. By the way, Fluffy is very innocent. But there is only one cat. That is why it is in his nature to eat meat. In this photo, too, Fluffy is looking at our chick with a thoughtful and enticing gaze. As soon as he gets the chance, he hunts him down.


In the night when Fluffy's eyes were glowing because of the darkness, I took this picture and the glow of his eyes was saved in the camera.


I want you to read my post and comment on it and tell me how you like my pets.

I invite

 4 days ago 

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Ok I rewrite my post and correct my mistake ,thank you for guarding me.

I can relate how stressful it's to take care of pet as such "chick" But then, love overwhelmed the stress. I can also view your cat lying down like a king.

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