Steemit Engagement Challenge S11W5 - Steem, Say no to animal abuse

in Steem of Animalslast year (edited)

Hello greetings to all steemians friends wherever they are, how are you today? Hopefully everyone is still in good health and can carry out all activities well. On this occasion I am back to participate in a contest held by the Steem of Animals Community in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 11 Week 5 with the contest theme: "Steem, Say no to animal abuse"


I think the expression do not disturb our habitat shows that all living things have the right to live safely and comfortably. This expression is a message to humans not to take actions that can disturb the peace of other creatures, especially to torture these creatures. Humans are indeed created differently and have many advantages, but that does not mean we can treat creatures as we please. They also have the same right to be able to live in peace without human interference.

They must be free from discomfort, abuse and torture. Animals also have human rights that are useful for protecting these animals both physically and from their ecosystem. These animals seem to give a message to us humans so as not to disturb their habitat. Animals must also be free from stress and fear and free from pain. For us Muslims it is strictly forbidden to disturb the animals that are around us and must be protected so that these animals feel comfortable.


Currently, there are many around us who treat animals that are not good, such as harassment and abuse by humans. This bad treatment is even done on purpose which makes the animal suffer. There are several types that are often used as a medium to make money, such as circus shows. Even though this situation doesn't happen around me, it's a shame that this show makes animals suffer so much. In performances the handlers force the animals into action using whips, electric prods, and other painful devices. Besides that, around us there is still a lot of abuse and mistreatment of animals such as cats, chickens, and other animals.

In the beloved country of Indonesia, animal protection has been carried out properly and has even been regulated in the Criminal Code. So that if there is a human action that mistreats animals will receive severe sanctions. Even perpetrators of animal abuse in the mild category, such as intentionally not feeding them, will receive prison sentences. If committing maltreatment results in serious injury, such as being disabled, suffering from serious injuries, or death, then the perpetrator will receive a longer prison sentence.


For animal lovers or activists, there are many ways they often do to protect animals. One of the easiest things to do is to invite people to love animals through slogans. This method is considered the most effective way to influence society and I fully agree with campaigning through slogans. "Protect us and don't subject us to torture, we want to live in peace." The slogan shows that all living things, including animals, deserve good treatment as creatures created by God.

I also invite friends @wilmer1988, @pelon53, @albenis, @goodybest, @suboohi, @patjewell, @fantvwiki, @inspiracion, @crisvera, @chant and others to join this contest.


 last year 

Animals habitats should be secured at any cost. They have the proper right to live on Earth with us. They have feelings and emotions too. Their should be a strict law for animals abuse.

Best wishes for the contest.

 last year 

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a positive comment @shahid2030

 last year 

Hola amigo que buena publicación
Nos pones a reflexionar a muchos sobre este tema.
Que bonito que en tu país si haya respeto hacia estás criaturas y se actúe legales contra el que les haga daño.
Pero lamentablemente eso no ocurre en todo el mundo y en todo gobierno 😔
Definitivamente que hay crear conciencia humana .
Mucho éxito 🤗

 last year 

Hola @fadlymatch, los animales son parte de este mundo, y debemos cuidar de ellos no maltratarlos pero aun hay muchas personas que no piensan bien con estos animales sino que le hacen daño y los maltratan.

 last year 

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment @beautiful12

 last year 

Hola amigo es tambien lo que yo digo, si todos los seres vivos tienen derecho a vivir en paz, por que no dejar en paz los animalitos en su habitat. Te felicito por tu reto. Bye.

 last year 

Thank you

 last year 

People who are cruel to animals should be locked in a cage and the key thrown away. That is how strongly I feel about animal and child abuse.
It is great to read that Indonesia has put regulations in place.
I must say that the animal welfare organizations in South Africa keep a good eye on animal cruelty.

Good luck with the contest, and thanks for the invite.

Kindly take note that this is the second post I am supporting you on this week.
Unfortunately, to make it fair to other Steemians I cannot support more than two posts in a week.

 last year 

Our country really protects every living creature with regulations...
Thank you for your support so far @patjewell

 last year 

It is wonderful to know this.
As for the support, it is a pleasure!

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