The Diary Game, Thursday, April 25, 2024: "Today's activity with two-legged animals"

in Steem of Animalslast month

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Assalamualaikum ...
How are you stemian friends, especially in this @steemof.animals community. Here I want to tell you a little more about the activities I did today. Happy reading ^-^..


This morning begins with getting up early and having breakfast. Because today the sun is bright I plan to sweep my yard and dry some clothes that have been washed in the front yard. I did my homework while listening to songs on my cell phone. Shortly after my homework was done I went to my brother's house to give him some cookies that my mom had made for them. I went on foot with my little brother.


Arriving there I saw my cousin feeding his chickens and ducks. He had several ducks and a mother hen and her chicks. There was a mother hen protecting her chicks from me. When I wanted to take a picture and hold the chick, the mother hen immediately chased and pecked my hand. She is a mother who is very protective of her child. Let alone to hold even just standing near her I did not dare. It seems like all the mother hens I've seen behave like that to protect their children.


Next we fed some of the ducks. Their food is rice and bran. As soon as my cousin put the food down all the ducks ran around and ate it all up. Here they keep entok ducks or another name for this duck is manila ducks. And several other types of ducks. My cousin is a person who likes to keep animals. He keeps these ducks and chickens just because he likes them.

After finishing feeding and photographing the chickens and ducks, I said goodbye to go home. The distance from my house to my grandmother's place is only 5 minutes on foot. Soon we arrived home.


Arriving home I intended to go to campus to meet some lecturers. I immediately got ready and said goodbye to my mom. I didn't know for sure whether my lecturer was on campus or not but this time I felt like going and kept waiting until the lecturer came. Of course I didn't wait alone. I invited some friends to meet the lecturer. While waiting we discussed many things ranging from lecture problems to problems outside the lecture hehe. After waiting long enough, we finally met the lecturer and asked for some signatures for my thesis. After getting the signature I took my friend to his house and then went home.

Pose first while waiting for the lecturer

At home I didn't do much. I just do some revision from my professor and watch movies. I really like watching movies. Especially movies with fantasy and thriller genres. I like it because when it comes to the climax of the movie it feels very tense and it's a very exciting sensation in my opinion. I often spend my free time watching movies. You might say watching movies is one of my hobbies.


Burung .jpg
Birds fly in the sky of the house

In the afternoon when I wanted to close the window, I saw a lot of birds flying over the roof of my neighbor's house. I had never seen anything like this before so I had to capture it. I wondered what the birds were doing. I asked my mom but she said she didn't know hehe.

This is the story of this short activity. Happy reading and don't forget to leave some comments ^-^.

reward give 10% to @steem.ofanimals

Best regards

 last month 

Menunggu dan mengejar Dosen sepertinya sudah menjadi satu kesetuan tersendiri buat mahasiswa ya kak, hehe. Semangat terus kuliah dan nulisnya kak, agar kita bisa sukses bersama disini

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