SEC-S14/W5 - Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize

in Steem of Animals7 months ago

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Hello everyone, I am new in this community, thank you to @hariadi for mentioning me in this gorgeous contest about the animal. The interesting thing about this contest is because the contest is matches the current event of the new year.

Fireworks are the most wanted thing during the celebration of "Big events" such as New Year or Independent Day and any other "Big Holiday". In Aceh is a bit different since the territory is under Syariah Law, and these things are restricted (even not 100% prohibited). Some of the community members still play with fireworks during the big event of celebrating Eid El Fith or Eid Mubarak.

Celebrating New Year is not a common event in Aceh and not many of the community members celebrate Gregorian New Year. It is not that famous here instead of celebrating Hijri New Year as Aceh is one of the inhabitants of the Muslim population in Indonesia.

Do you use fireworks during the year-end holidays? Your reasons

In my family, fireworks have been strictly prohibited since I was a kid and it has been passed down through generations till now. My father once told me not to play with the fireworks because it would make chickens and goats run away to the bushes that we had a lot of at that time. I still remember our chicken would be difficult to find after the neighbor played with a bamboo cannon. My father was a bit angry with those kids who did it. And we need to find them the whole day and catch them back to the cage.

Now, I give proper explanations to my kids if they ask to buy fireworks, I simply tell them that the bird will not come to our home if we play with fireworks. They would choose those birds living near our home rather than playing with love fireworks or something similar.

Have you ever noticed the behavior of animals when there is a lot of noise, such as when you are playing fireworks and trumpets?

It is indeed, and I had a really scary experience related to the fireworks about 3 years ago, My family and I were on the way to visit our relative in another town on the Eid El Fith celebration day, and we chose the countryside road instead of the main highway.


Illustrated Herd of Goats Source

At the roadside, there was a herd of goats grazing leisurely when a few kids threw firecrackers at them, coincidentally there was a biker who passed the spot at the moment firecrackers exploded loudly, and the next second those goats crazily spread in every direction, and hit the biker very bad. I got to stop the car and tried to avoid the herd of goad that ran frantically everywhere.

Have you seen any negative effects of using fireworks on animals? Describe

As I am living in the village, wild animals still present around the house such as monkeys and wild birds. At any time they hear the fireworks the warning haul from the Alfa can be noticed easily and they will stop eating and hide themself for a long time. The birds would fly away and stay in the high trank for a long time.

The negative effect of them can be seen in the habit of wild pigeons (dove), my kid could easily feed them within a distance of half a meter, but when the noise of the fireworks or firecrackers occur they will no longer stand still or will not even come to the ground when my kids come with foods.


Illustrated Image Source

In the long term noisy, animals will be stressed and in some worse cases can be died. Many chicken farmers had experienced the effect of the firecrackers that were played by the children around the farming land.

Say no to fireworks for the sake of the animals because they will suffer.

For our family fireworks or firecrackers are highly prohibited play at any time or place. These rules were established since long time ago. Since they have grown up, they started to campaign it to their friends, and as a reward for those kids, my oldest daughter will borrow them bird-watching binoculars and watch the beautiful wild birds in our backyard. They will always say no to something that disturbs a peaceful environment at any time, they will not allow anyone to even make a loud noise around the feeding area.

Well, this is my entry to this beautiful contest and I hope my friend @radjasalman @siftitamanna @muzack1 to participate in this contest too.

See you next

Best Regards


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 7 months ago 

Greetings @el-nailul, I hope you are doing well.

Your father is very good person. He knows how harmful fireworks are and he has restricted fireworks use in your family. Good to see such person are there who love animals and want peace for animals as well.

That is very sad incident of herd of goats and biker. That is the reason why fireworks must be banned in all over the world. There are many other alternatives that we can use to enjoy or celebrate such events. Governments must ban them in every country.

Fireworks have negative affect on animals as well as humans. I have seen many videos where humans and animals got hurt by fireworks. So in my view, fireworks must be banned and should be replaced with good things for celebration.

However, good content you shared with us. I wish you best of luck for the contest :)

 7 months ago 

Hola amigo @el-nailul.

Los fuegos artificiales o pirotécnicos no son saludables para el humano ni animales, ya que estos perjudican nuestro sentido del oído.
Me alegro que en tu país no utilicen estas formas de luces para celebras festividades ni año nuevo.

Además que prohibieron estos usos de pirotécnicos aunque no al 100%.

Te deseo éxitos.
Saludos cordiales y bendiciones.

 7 months ago 

Hola mi amigo @venturabogarin

Estoy de acuerdo contigo, especialmente el humo de los petardos es muy peligroso si contamina el sistema respiratorio del niño/humano/animal y también puede ser letal si se retiene accidentalmente cuando explota.

Te deseo éxito también.
Saludos cordiales y bendiciones.

 7 months ago 

Así es amigo.

Así que no debemos usar estos fuegos,sino más bien eliminarlos.


 7 months ago 

Hello, @el-nailul! 🌟

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 14 Week 5 with the theme "Say No to Fireworks." Your entry discussing the impact of fireworks on animals and your family's approach to avoiding them is both informative and heartwarming.

It's commendable how your family has passed down the tradition of refraining from using fireworks, considering the well-being of animals. The personal anecdotes and experiences you shared, especially the one about the herd of goats reacting to firecrackers, highlight the negative effects of fireworks on animals.

Your commitment to creating a peaceful environment for wildlife and the steps your family takes to educate others about this matter are truly inspiring. Say no to fireworks for the sake of animals—what a meaningful message!

Thank you again for your thoughtful contribution to the challenge, and I look forward to seeing more of your engagement in future challenges! 🚀

 7 months ago 

Hi @apprendecomkevin, yes it is indeed. I love animals because my father shows me the beauty of making friends with nature and enjoying them while they are in their wildlife.

And it is the beautiful contest as well, and this time I manage to make a post in this community and I hope I can contribute well in the future



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Curated by : @radjasalman

 7 months ago 

Hello @el-nailul, it is nice to know that in your region you rarely hear explosives, the best thing is that it is prohibited in your family environment.

In my country, when birds hear loud noise, they move away; however, they have not yet banned firecrackers, so they are many animals that are affected due to their sensitivity.

I imagine the peace in your city and the enjoyment of the animals that can fly and eat in peace.


 7 months ago 

Dear my friend @sariana23, not everywhere in my town applies such rules as well, but at least in my village it is applicable since we have trees and some rare birds and animals still there. You can see my home in this picture


 7 months ago 

You are absolutely right, fireworks should not be used in the surroundings of your area, it is a danger and also harmful to green areas as well as animals.

 7 months ago 

Hello, hope your day is going well .You are right, whether there is a celebration of any function, New Year or Independence Day, fireworks are used a lot on these days. In many countries, like our country, it is prohibited by law.

But many people still use it.When you were a child, the use of fireworks was strictly forbidden in your family. Like in our house also our father has kept us away from fireworks in our childhood.

Animals are scared by the noise of fireworks because they are more sensitive than humans and they are looking for many hiding places in this situation.

Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with Fireworks three years ago,You are right that animels are very delicate and they get stressed due to noise and in some cases they die.

 7 months ago 

Thank you very much @hudamalik20, it is something people should realize that not only fireworks or firecrackers make animals get scared but also some of the farmers who set fire when they open the land also scare many wild animals and some of them die in the fire.


 7 months ago 

Dear, you described an incident with fireworks. Herds of goats were running around scared by the sound of firecrackers. Pigeons are very afraid of firecrackers. Many animals and birds die on the night of December 31 due to the sound of firecrackers. So we all have to be careful that animals and birds do not get scared and die due to the sound of firecrackers. Your writing is very beautiful. Good luck to you.

 7 months ago 

Yes Sister You Are Right In the village house animals like pigeons are so afraid of fireworks that they don't come to feed on the ground. I know and can understand it because my house is also in village. We used to keep pigeons some time ago but now we don't for some special reason. I also have some experience.

 7 months ago 

Firecrackers are prohibited in my house like yours. At the time of welcoming the coming new year, many people in many countries will welcome the new year with these fireworks and unknowingly cause a lot of damage to the environment. Many birds sleeping in trees at night will die while running. We are doing great harm to the environment by killing these birds. The animal world is very frightened at such a sudden sound as you have shown that domestic animals run away. Let's celebrate the New Year without fireworks. Good luck to you.

 7 months ago 

It seems I am not the only one who set such a rule for my kids, it is actually our good contribution to our environment and also creates a peaceful and safer place for kids to play. There are many ways to celebrate happiness or our achievement with saver and more peace in our place.

I wish you and your family all the best, @abdul-rakib


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