"SEC - S14/W5 - Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize".

in Steem of Animals9 months ago

Fireworks is very bad to the growth of animals, because it has a negative effects on their lives as a livestock trader I always keep my animals away from fireworks so they will not be affected by it.

I myself I don't practice fireworks as I find it irritating and stressful I am not always comfortable with fireworks because I am allergic to noise pollution and fireworks is one of it.

Do you use fireworks during the year end holidays?


I am allergic to fireworks but as it's holiday and festive season period a time for joy and merriment I do some fireworks to commemorate the season.

Lie the say happiness is free and this period is a season of joy and laughter so we have to do things that will make us happy and excited, like they say anything that gives you joy do it.

So this holiday period I have done some fireworks by setting a huge fire wood and put it ablaze as flame was coming out of it me and my friends were dancing and shouting for joy for Christmas is here indeed and the best thing is that we are alive.


We started this year together with many of moir friends but today some are no where to be found because they are dead so being alive to witness this holiday season is a thing of joy for all of us that was why we did some fireworks to commemorate the season.
Normal I don't do fireworks but as it's the season of Christmas it's mandatory for me to do it with my Friends and have fun, there's another thing that we call knockout it's very noisy and it's usually use during the holiday season to make noise mostly during the new year.

Have ever notice the behaviour of animals when there is a lot of noise, such as when you are playing fireworks and trumpets


I am a livestock farmer and I know how my animals behave each time there's a lot of noise, they always behave strange from their usual self as they will be afraid and sometimes crying.

A dog is staying near my area and echa time a knockout is been shot he always bark and feel uncomfortable as he will be behaving strange if you call him he won't come he will only remain inside his house.

Like my goat I always prevent them from fireworks, whenever I see people making noise around their house I will just quickly chase them away before it becomes worst.
Animals are just like we humans God almighty created all of us and you will agree with me that whenever there's noise in our area we are always uncomfortable like me I will be very angry.

Noise like loud music and trumpets disturb my ear and so it does thesame to animals, my goats are not comfortable whenever fireworks is been practice.

Have you seen any negative effects from using fireworks on animals


As a livestock farmers they are lots of negative effects of fireworks on animals.

  • I notice that each time there's fireworks is been done animals always cry and jume from one place to another there aren't always comfortable during that period.

  • Fireworks somehow affects the growth of animals, because when there's fireworks they will not feed well because of the fireworks and noise pollution.

Say no to fireworks for the sake of the animals because they will suffer


Indeed fireworks have a negative impact in the lives of animals so inorder to make livestock farming grow well we should all avoid the use of fireworks in our environment especially where there's animals around that axis.

Some humans are allergic to fireworks talk more of animals, and we all know how important animals are to us they provide us with many positive impact and some how bring exposure to our community.

They are many of us who don't like eating food without meat which we all know that meat are gotten from animals and also the milk we drink today are gotten from animals.

Some clothing brand are made from animal skin and most importantly livestock trading and animal production bring money to our hadn't by supporting us financially.
We all should affect fireworks because it's very harmful to animals and when it affects them it will also affect us.

I am using this opportunity to invite @kuzboy, @josepha and @pandora2010 to join me and participate in this contest

 8 months ago 

Reading your post brings memories of my childhood days when I myself made a knockout and used matches to fire it. My mother always thrashed us for finished her match and would destroy the knockouts. It was so fun back then

Having a campfire is far better than doing fireworks. With this one everyone has a peaceful and joyful environment to enjoy the evening and animals are not affected. Having this with your friends us better bro. Fireworks are not really good

Thanks for sharing with us and good luck in the contest

 8 months ago 

Hahaha 😆 i 🤣 remember when my mum beat my brother for throwing knockouts.

Thank you very much for your healthy comment 😀 I really appreciate 🙏

 9 months ago 

🎆💔 "Say no to fireworks for the sake of our furry friends!" Your commitment to keeping animals safe from the adverse effects of fireworks shines through your thoughtful post, @bonaventure24!

It's heartening to see your awareness and concern for animals as a livestock trader. The impact of noise pollution, especially during festive seasons, can be distressing for animals. Your decision to keep your animals away from fireworks is a commendable effort to ensure their well-being.

Your personal discomfort with fireworks due to noise pollution is relatable. The joyous holiday spirit and the season of Christmas inspired you to partake in fireworks with friends, emphasizing the essence of happiness and celebration. The acknowledgment of the gift of life, despite the absence of some friends, adds a poignant touch to your narrative.

The vivid description of how animals, like the dog and goats, react to fireworks underscores the distress caused by loud noises. As a livestock farmer, your proactive steps to prevent your animals from the negative effects of fireworks showcase your dedication to their welfare.

The plea to "Say no to fireworks for the sake of the animals because they will suffer" is a powerful message. Your call to avoid fireworks to promote the growth of livestock farming resonates with the interconnectedness of our actions and their impact on both animals and humans.

Let's indeed prioritize the well-being of our animal companions, saying no to fireworks to create a harmonious environment for all living beings. 🐾🌿🚫

 8 months ago 

Thanks for your healthy comment I really appreciate 🙏

 9 months ago 

Hi @bonaventure24, glad you are staying away from explosive fireworks.

The animals hide and get very anxious because of the stress from explosive fireworks, because it's ok the lights, but not those ones that hurt the animals.

Thanks to your work you can observe the strange behavior that goats have in your area, so it reaffirms that these explosives are very harmful.


 8 months ago 

Thank you very much for your wonderful comment on my blog I really appreciate 🙏

 9 months ago 

Do you yourself use fireworks in any festival? The sound of firecrackers threatens animals, especially homeless birds and birds that move at night. Some people are doing great damage to our environment for temporary pleasure. These birds are our natural resources and we should come forward to protect them. Let's say no to fireworks. Good luck to you.

 8 months ago 

Yeah I sometimes use fireworks to celebrate some events.

But I make sure that there's no animal anywhere near there.
Thanks for the reviews I appreciate 🙏

 8 months ago 

Hello ,hope your day is going well,Fireworks have a very bad effect on the health of animals and also hamper their growth.You don't like setting off fireworks, you find their sounds irritating and stressful.You are allergic to noise pollution.You made a New Year's celebration by lighting a bonfire and dancing with your friends.You are a livestock farmer and you know the condition of animals and how fireworks affect them.,You are right we get many benefits from animals if they are harmed then we have to bear harm we should also take care of their health.

 8 months ago 

Thank you very much for adding value to my blog it's really appreciated 😊

 8 months ago 

Hello @bonaventure24, how are you?

Fireworks are not good for humans and animals both. They if mishandled, can harm us that we remember that moment for lifetime.

You are livestock farmer and you have experienced it well how your goats and dog behave during fireworks. It is not good to do fireworks then and you must also find alternative ways to celebrate new year or christmas. We must care for our animals they can't talk to us and can't tell us how they feel or are they hurt or not.

However, I have decided not to do fireworks anymore and I suggest everyone to stop and do something else to celebrate.

Thank you for sharing your content with us. I wish you best of luck for the contest :)

 8 months ago 

Thank you very much for your healthy comment I really appreciate 🙏 👍

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 8 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Te cuento que cuando estaba pequeña, iba mucho a un campo y, allí veía cómo se estresaban los chivos durante la explosión... Es más, en un par de ocasiones murieron uno y ver esa realidad fue muy triste porque, vi que nuestra diversión generó la muerte de esos chivos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 8 months ago 

Muchas gracias por tu saludable comentario 😀 👍 Te lo agradezco mucho.

Feliz Navidad 🎅 🎄

 8 months ago 

Now a days I know many people are doing livestock farming and rearing animals. It is true that animals get scared by the sound of firecrackers. I am a farmer I also have cows goats and dogs, cats. They get very scared by the sound of firecrackers and behave normally. So we all should say no to fireworks. good luck

 8 months ago 

Thank you very much for your healthy comment 😀 i appreciate 🙏

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