The diary game for 24/06/2024 // My Day In Words and Pictures

Assalamu Alaikum


I am Asad. Hope everyone is well. I am a new member of this group. I was the first to wake up this morning. Then my wife and I sat and had breakfast. Then I got dressed and went to my office. Came to office and checked big transformer and small transformer And checked the higher station. I saw if there is a date. While doing these things, I suddenly looked at the window and saw a lizard. The lizard did not look like an ordinary lizard. It was a bit strange. In fact, the lizards that live in the house look the same And the lizards that live in the forest look different. The color changes according to the environment.


As usual I went to the office canteen at noon. I went there and had lunch at two o'clock in the afternoon. Then I rested for some time. Then I came to my office room. When I came to the office room, I saw a white car standing. This is our office car. Then I came to the room and did my official work.


It was almost late afternoon to do the official work. I shuffled out of the room. I saw a very beautiful leafy tree in the garden. The sky looked beautiful this afternoon. Then I went back to the room.


After some time I left for my home. I came home at six in the evening. Then I got fresh and rested. Sometimes I gave time to the children. Had dinner after 8 pm. Because I have to go to office in the morning. So I eat early and go to sleep early. good night.

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