SEC - S18W1 : Eco-Friendly Clothing for Animals

in Steem of Animals25 days ago
Assalam O Alaikum

Hello dear friends! Well come to my post. How are you feeling? I hope you will be doing well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I'm also fine and enjoying my day. Today I'm here to participate in this Steemit engagement challenge season 18 Week 1 in this Steem of Animals community. The topic of this challenge is "Eco friendly clothes for animals". So let's start without any more delay of time.


Thumbnail from Canva

What do you think about the clothes?

Friends there was a time when humans used to wear leaves in order to cover their bodies because in those times there was no any concept of clothes present. Humans used to live in caves, wear clothes and eat vegetables and leaves of trees too. But with the passage of time, people's ideas and concepts about various things also changed and one day they succeed in investing clothes to cover their bodies which were more comfortable than the leaves and other wearing items.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

So now we can say that the clothes are the things which we use to wear over bodies in order to cover it, protect our private parts from others and to make ourselves more beautiful and good looking. Almost every religion teach us to cover our bodies and private parts from others with these clothes also that thing is present in our minds and thinking. Today's man is busy in preparing new and latest designs of clothes according to the fashions.

Also wearing clothes may depend upon cultures, religious beliefs, fashions and on the climate and weather of that area. This is because where there is too much cold the people wear warm clothes which are made of skin of animals and with other items which are helpful in covering their bodies and provide them heat. On the areas where the weather is too hot people wear cotton, fabric and lawn clothes.

How important is it for your pet's protection and comfort to wear these clothes?

Yes it is very important to provide all kinds of protection and comfort to our pets because they can also feel suffering, pain harness of weather and other unusual conditions. So wearing clothes may be very beneficial for providing them all type of comfort and protection. Wearing clothes can be helpful for animals in fighting with harsh weather conditions such extreme heat or extreme cold and in this way they can easily bear the harshness of weather with the help of clothes.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

Furthermore when an animal is wearing clothes he will remain safe from insect and other microorganisms which may attack their bodies and damage them. Also when an animal is facing health conditions such suffering from fever and other skin diseases the clothes may be helpful in dealing with all problems. We should make it clear that the dress which we are wearing to our pets are fit to them or not or they are comfortable with it or not because the main aim of dress to provide comfort.

What material does the clothing comes from? Review

Yes the clothing may come from different sources and can be prepared from different materials as well. In the most the cases the clothing comes from polyester, wool, cotton and other varieties of materials but we have to understand that which quality of clothes are more comfortable for us and for our animals and pets as well. Also we have use these materials which are easily washable and their durability is high as compared to others in preparing clothes for animals.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

Also we should prepare clothes for animals right to the weather conditions such as if there is hot weather like summer we prefer those clothes which can absorb sweat and provide comfort to our animal. And in case of winter we should go for the clothes which are made of leather and skin of animals because they can be helpful in providing hotness to their bodies and in keeping them safe from Cold.


So friends that was my entry about that topic and I hope you will enjoy reading it. Now it is a time to say goodbye to everyone and I want to invite my friends @mesola, @shruti16, @shano49 and shohana1 to participate in this amazing challenge.


Written by @abdullahw2


Thanks All ❤️

 25 days ago 

Hiiii ,

Friends there was a time when humans used to wear leaves in order to cover their bodies because in those times there was no any concept of clothes present.

True . Humans forget the place from where we once stared . We forgot that we should be grateful instead of being greedy and causing a huge natural clothing disaster.

Well i feel that pets do deserve clothing because why not . I understand the fact that only humans have the capacity of being self conscious but still pets are just like our own babies who aren't self conscious. But we still do dress them nicely because we love them and they are also a living being just like us .

Reading your post was a good investment of time . Thankyou very much for your invitation.
Best of luck ❤


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 24 days ago 

Yes you are right dear friend animals also deserve clothes and extensive care because they also have senses to feel pain and suffering. Thanks a lot for visiting my post and leaving a beautiful comment ☺️


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hello @abdullahw2
Greetings to you hope you are well and enjoying happy life with steem sounds like me. Thanks for sharing your concept of clothes with us. You are right before upgrading the people use the tree leaves to cover his body. Now with the passage of time they discovered the clothes and use it to cover his body with different styles. Clothes are more beneficial for animals in winter season to keep him warm. Also clothes for safe him from insects and other germs. In summer we must use the clothes for animals who suck the sweat and gave comfort to animals. I wish you many more success. Keep up the good work.
Stay safe and blessed

 25 days ago 

Thank you so much brother for visiting my post and leaving a beautiful comment 😀 I really appreciate your kind words 🤗

 25 days ago 

Woa dear what an article. You have a vast knowledge about such topics also. Yes you are right clothes not only cover the body but also provide protection from harsh environment and disease.
Best of luck for the contest. Stay 😊

 25 days ago 

Thank you so much dear friend for a lovely comment 😊

 25 days ago 
 25 days ago 

My friend I have already submitted my entry, thanks for the invite. I love your pet picture.
As for the clothes aspect, it will be very nice if we dress them up with clothes to cover their skin

 25 days ago 

Ooh yes dresses will make our pets more beautiful 😍. Thanks a lot for a lovely comment 😊

 25 days ago 

Yes you are right thatcloth gave us comfort . And in the same way it also gave the comfort and protection to the animals. And we also use the soft cloth for the animals that they did not causing any infection. And it's right that we should use clothees for animals that absorb swept. And you share yournice thinking about pet animals. They are animals but they hot and clod . That why it is very necessary . I agreed that these cloth will protect the animals from insects and other microorganism that may cause harm them. Well you described a very well done post.Best of luck for the contest

 24 days ago 

Yes well said my friend clothes are very important part of fashions and our lives as they make us look beautiful and attractive. By the way thanks for commenting ☺️

Happy to read your post, you explained this contest very well. Thanks for sharing concepts of clothing with us brother

 24 days ago 

Thank you so much dear friend for a beautiful comment ☺️

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