Nintendo 3DS Can Now Run Virtual Boy Games

in Steem Gaming5 months ago

Anyone that ever played a Nintendo Virtual Boy will tell you, calling it a portable might be a bit of a misnomer. It really wasn’t all that portable. Technically it was and Nintendo ran with it. Well, they bunted may be more the proper correlation here. There were only 22 or so games released commercially before Nintendo pulled and Old Yeller on the Virtual Boy. That has not stopped fans from continued work on a platform Nintendo dropped the hammer on. There are a few independent homebrew releases, a couple of emulators, and now making the Virtual Boy truly portable with the Nintendo 3DS via the Red Viper emulator.

Quick Before Nintendo Finds Out

Considering how Nintendo is as far as legally protecting their IPs and such, you may want to go ahead and head over to Github to grab the emulator.

You will need at least a soft modded Nintendo 3DS for Red Viper to run on your portable. Please refer to Google for assistance on accomplishing that.

Onto the Fun

Okay, if you have never heard of the Nintendo Virtual Boy then let me sum it up in three words.

Red and black.

All the graphics are made of red and black pixels. If you are thinking that must be rough to play, then you would be right. agrees stating the Nintendo Virtual Boy graphics “…were just horrid to look at.”

Maybe that is why there were never any role-playing games released for it. Nearly all the commercial games we saw were pick up and go affairs – casual sports, platformers, shooters, etc.

With Red Viper you can change the colors to something more pleasing to your eyes such as white. Yep, you can pretend the Virtual Boy is a portable Vectrex with a color change.

What is even cooler, according to the Nintendo 3DS supports 3D of the Virtual Boy. That is quite interesting and cool.

Remember, head over to to grab Red Viper before Nintendo finds some reason to stop it’s distribution.

While you are clicking away, head over X, formerly Twitter, and follow the developer.

This article was originally posted on Hive Gaming.

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