Sims 3 Challenge : The Harry Potter Legacy Challenge 1.2 || By @sarahraudhah

in Steem Gaming3 years ago (edited)


I'm here again. I hope you're having a good day. 💐

The Harry Potter Legacy Challenge 1.2

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We had a party for Astoria & Adelphia.

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Even Bonehilda is having fun! I actually didn't even realize this burnt sim is Bonehilda at first. This is so hilarious. Maybe Bonehilda burnt herself to feel more Sim-y so that she can eat that cake? 😂😂

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Just a sweet picture of Daphne and Astoria. Awwww~~
Astoria and Adelphia are not green. Should I make them green?
If they become Slytherin then maybe.........
Should I edit them in CAS? I couldn't make up my mind.

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Thornton got bitten by bees often. He didn't even have that unlucky trait.

Finally, when the babies grew into children, we can do something interesting. I'm so freaking glad I 'turn' Thornton into Family Oriented. He is such a great father. (Something that might never happen with Morgana! 😜)

For the first gameplay, please don't let me be too overwhelm. Please let my Daphne survive! lol 🤪😂😂
Daphne and Thornton each did their best to teach their children how to talk, walk and poop..? Hahaha
Do you know what would happen if we didn't teach them all that? Like, would they become.... disability?

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😱 No!! No!! You can't do this to me, Thornton!! Don't do this to us.

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I'm as heart broken as Daphne. Well, maybe not, more like I feel betrayed. How could you do this to us while we were having fun? We just got 2 daughters. Who's going to train them, Thornton? You are great at this! Please don't leave. Come back!!

As I 'researched' and indulged myself with necromancy, I got to know that, our dog could have helped Thornton but he didn't cause he was CLUELESS!! I'm going to get rid of that trait cause it brought too much pain of what could have happened. *weeping 😭😭

I'm going to go with Dusty Old Lamp (Lifetime Reward) cause that is the easiest one for me right now. I'm going to help Daphne with her Lifetime. See ya!

to be continue....

I hope you enjoy it so far. Thanks! xx

These are my past posts:
Sims 3 Challenge : The Harry Potter Legacy Challenge 1.0 || By @sarahraudhah
Sims 3 Challenge : The Harry Potter Legacy Challenge 1.1 || By @sarahraudhah

Print Screen app : LightShot


Still very green. I had a friend ask me for my accounts where I have the sims on she wants to play.

I'm sorry, I don't get you, sir/ma'am.
I'm having a Harry Potter legacy so I was thinking that maybe green-skin colour for Slytherin, blue for Ravenclaw etc.
Just for the fun.

9h yes that makes sense. Sorry I have the sims as well on my origin account and a friend asked me for access to it so she could play as she does not have the game.

Oh, I see. I bought it from Steam and redeem it again in Origin when I couldn't play last time. Turn out the problem comes from my PC.

We have pirate one selling here. Very cheap but can only play offline.

Ah man that really sucks. Yeah she wants to play online. I tried moving the game over from origin, it doesn't work.

I think it didn't work the other way around. We can move from Steam to Origin but not from Origin to Steam. I read it somewhere while trying to revive my game before.

It honestly is so stupid. Origin really sucks...

Sometimes Origin offers better deals. But I mostly use Steam as I rarely play EA Games so I don't really know much about the offer. I just wait patiently for my wishlist games to go on discount. lol

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