
I'm not an early riser so I did not see the steem outage. Someone said that JS bought more steem, blocktrades is planing a fork/new coin called hive. More out of them tomorrow on it, it sounds interesting. My wife just told me Calif. is going into a semi lock down, that the numero uno sanctuary city (San Francisco) is locking itself up, only a sanctuary when it pleases them I guess, only pro open borders when it please them I guess. Lots of news, walking and typing life today it seems.

And I was told that we are planning a 6-week shut-down of all non-essential businesses here sometime soon. I do think that is actually a smart way to stop the spread of this virus. If everyone shut down for 3 weeks, we would know for sure who has the virus and who doesn't by then. It's a quick way to solve the problem and get on with life. Of course, this only works if EVERYONE does this at the same time. Otherwise it could go on and on and on for years.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63887.77
ETH 3417.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.56