Thediarygame for 11/12/2023: A Shortcut And A Horrible Meal

in Steem Kids & Parents7 months ago

Mondays are always known to be a day everyone doesn't want to come. After a great weekend we wished would never come to an end. How was your Monday, I hope it was great. Mine started well but was mixed with a lot of frustrations. Read on to get the full gist.



I slept late last night around 3am because I was trying to meet an assignment deadline. When I woke up at 7:23am, I realised I had missed the online family devotion which always starts by 6am.

I hurriedly completed the assignment, cleaned up and headed to school. I first of all stopped by a restaurant to eat, this time I ordered rice, beans and stew. I had started taking malaria drugs so I needed to eat before taking drugs.
After eating I bought okpa on my way to school.



By 6pm I was done with lectures and decided to head home. On my way I saw a road that I believed would be shortcut home and decided to follow it. This was my undoing as the road was so long I thought I had lost my way. I finished my bottle water because I had trekked a long distance. With the help of direction from strangers, I finally found my way back home.

By this time I was exhausted and hungry. I went back to the restaurant to eat, I ordered soup and swallow. To add salt to injury I was served the most horrible soul I have tasted in my lifetime. Till now I am not able to get over the taste of that food. The soup tasted like what I can't put into words.

The terrible meal

I couldn't return it so I ate it with a heavy heart. I promised in my heart that this was the last time I was going to patronise this restaurant. I couldn't finish the food because it was really bad. I am sure if I had money I would have just paid and went elsewhere to eat.
After eating I transfered money to their account and had to stay another 20 mins for them to get alert. This further infuriated me.

I left the restaurant to a shop to charge my phone and thereafter I went to attend a Bible study with Deeper life Bible church.

That is basically how my day went, I hope you enjoyed reading.
I invite my friends @vudeme123, @m-fdo and @whizzbro4eva to participate in this game.

Steem on.


It is so heartbreaking that some food vendors serve food that even animals can't taste. At least, you manage to eat the food. So, life still goes on. Thanks for inviting me

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