Writing contest: Corruption, can it be prevented? How?

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year (edited)



IS there anyone without history of corruption through out their existence as humans in one way or the other?

I think there are no people that are completely free of corruption because in way or the other people are involved in corruption either during ones school days, working place,in ones community, in any aspects of life you can corrupt someone.

I here by invite @usoro01 @vudeme @patjewell @prefessorlenz to participate.

What is corruption?

We have different forms of corruption on Steemit.

Those who plagiarized or use AI generated content to pollute the platform would first be warned and refusal to accept or adhere to the warning, you'll be labeled plagiarized and you'll be published by abuse watcher which means you'll barely get support when you post as a plagiarist until you change. You may get muted from posting in the community.

As to farming account which is the usage of multiple accounts to generate income for yourselves. If caught, those accounts would be labeled which means you'll not get support from those Communities anymore untill you Change what you created.

Mention and explain 5 forms of corruption you know.


Extortion this form of corruption is done through the use of force (coercion) to extort money and other valuables from people with threats. Like police for instance, they brutalizes people. They stop your vehicle instead of doing their primary assignment of checking vehicles they will threat you to give them money or they will take your vehicle to station even without evidence of any offence you commit. Nigerian police can form constitution that doesn't exists.

Bribery This is the most common form of corruption practice by almost every human on Earth. it involves making of illegal offers or payment to person's in official position to influence their decision. maybe by paying bribe to obtain a new job or to seek for promotion.

Embezzlements of fundsinappropriate conversion of public properties to private property. people who steal things (money) they are entrusted with most especially (organisation/company) where he/she works. like when a particular gift is meant for the community but the person in charge of that office privatize it.

Cheating People where denied access to their hard earned money. for instance an apprentice who sarve his/her master for years was not settled as agreed but rather lay an aligatiion they know is not true just to frustrates his many years of labor, That's cheating and at the same time he was denied the right to his freedom.

Nepotism The act of favoring or rendering help to only relatives or friends. for instance now many people went for job interview and the only people who got the job are the relatives and friends without minding their ability. As far as they are his relatives or friends they're qualify. Our today appointment is not based on merit rather is based on who know that person that know that person that know that person in the office (magana yakare)

Give 4 causes of corruption in our society.

• High level of greediness, when people's eyes are on Money always they will be tempted to involved in corruption.

• Lack of economic stability. When the economy is bad people involved themselves in different forms of corruption.

• Lack of democratic freedom, when democracy system is not favorable people will react negatively to corruption.

• Lack of freedom of speech, people are not allowed to speak about how they feel about situations.

Explain 5 ways corruption can be prevented?


Creating awareness campaign; this can be done within each community to inform people with Why corruption will be punishable by law.
This could also be done with printing of banners and poster, short videos and encourage reporting any form corruption in your community or work place.

The leaders are responsible for prevention of corruption: it is their duties to dictate who's doing the wrong thing and fetches them out for punishment. Because corruption is punishable by law.

The government should provide the citizens with quality jobs opportunity, most at times people who who barley do something or the idle ones promote corruption the most. these category of people can do anything just to put food on the table as far as that will provide them with money they'll any length to get that money. what if they have what to do will they find corruption as legal means of generating income?

Reporting of corruption related activities should be made mandatory. anyone who fail to report should be penalized for the offense too.

People involved in corruption should be penalized in public before everyone. When everyone is aware of the punishment attached to corruption, it can reduce.

With these few points i think it can help in preventing corruption.

What can you personally do to prevent corruption in your locality?

Corruption is a disease inflicted by idleness and selfishness. So in my own way of preventing it i will first create awareness to the public that this is wrong to be practice and also let them know about what will happen if you fall victim of such offense.

Now that everyone is aware of bad and good sides of corruption i will set a committee to look into correcting offenders with the punishment attached to each level of offense one committ.

It is my duty to provide everyone with what to do. Like creation of job opportunities where everyone will be busy with their schedules because an idle mind is a devil workshop.

So the primary aim to achieving this is providing everyone with quality job and good salary structure and it will be easy to know those involved in corruption.

What has steemit teams and top members do to prevent the platform from being corrupted
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The team have set quality rules that guide the community by dictating when a post is a copy of someone else article. that is done through plagiarism check that is number one root of corruption. With this no one still someone's idea and claim ownership, so I applaud steemit teams on this.

Another thing i think the steemit teams does that is preventing the platform from being corrupted is that there's no any form of favoritism. It doesn't matter weather we are brother and sister as far your are not doing the right thing your on your own.
they go for quality contents. So there's principle guiding the community and those principles will make it difficult to be compromised.

Is there any penalty for those who try to corrupt the steemit platform?

There's a saying that says "where there's no law there's no offense" so since steemit has law guiding the community there must be offense and must also be penalty for those offense.
So in STEEMIT if you are caught trying to corrupt the system you will be muted from posting in community depending on the form of corruption involved.

thanks for stopping by.

Cc @bossj23

 last year 

Corruption is a disease inflicted by idleness and selfishness.

Selfishness is the grand patron of corruption, it is all about me, myself and I. It has to be me, or my relative. This disease has eaten deep into the skins of many.

where there's no law there's no offense.

True, it is the law that condemns the act, making it an offense. And a society without working laws is doomed to fail as anyone can do what they like.

This is indeed an amazing work, thank you for sharing with us.

 last year 

Thanks for the comment. 💙

Hello @ynglu22, thank you for publishing your content in our community.

Club Status#club5050
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
Voting CSI6.8
Score (quality/rules)9/10
Verification date:2023-05-26
Very good participation, to avoid corruption there must be a solid education from home and school, in steemit we have done everything possible to unmask the corrupt and make them pay for their actions,greetings.

i invite you to support @pennsif.witness for growth across the whole platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available.
Click Here
 last year 

Thanks, keep up the good work. One love from this part of the world. 💙🌹

 last year 

Awh corruption is everywhere! Even here on Steemit.
It makes me so sad when I get to read about it.
Why can people not just be honest?
Anyway, I suppose there is not much we can do to stop it.
Just no that the Steem Patrol is coming for you if you are caught cheating. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Good luck with the contest and thanks for the invite!

 last year 

Yeah, corruption is all over Even in our place of worship. People think that honesty doesn't pay and everyone wants it quick and now.

Any i promise cheating won't be record in my history.
Thanks mum.

 last year 

I strongly agreed with that, people involved in corruption should be penalized in public before everyone. This will caution anyone who wanted to do the same.

This post has been upvoted through Steemcurator09.

Team Newcomer- Curation Guidelines for APRIL 2023

Curated by - @tocho2

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