SEC-S17W4: the effects of economic hardships on families

in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago (edited)

Hello friends! Welcome to another interesting week of the steemit engagement challenge. The effects of economic hardships on families has greatly undermined the fortunes of families and the prosperity they have envisaged over time.


I can speak for my country but I know the situation isn't entirely different from what we have in other countries where the economy is equally biting harder. Countries especially from developing and underdeveloped economies are the worst hit by these present-day realities.

I could remember one of the just concluded contest topics on "Large and Small Families, Dislikes and Likes". This is a topic that should borrow a leaf from the hardship of today. if we must be sincere to ourselves, we already know that worse economic situations do not promote large family sizes unless we are deliberate to fail.

Most families in my country have been on the low due to continued economic hardship orchestrated by the inflations before us. The inflationary rates in my country are almost off the roof since the resumption of. a new government. The removal of subsidies without adequate measures brought about unprecedented hardship for many families.

Families now find it difficult to feed daily and this has a more tense effect on large family homes. This is simply because the purchasing power of the currency could barely afford the same amount or size of food purchased before now.

Things have gone so low than expected. I was privileged to see for myself when I visited the village, the hardships people over there passed through. I could barely stress my senses to recognize some faces that had already changed due to their new looks.

It was worrisome because this shows that people no longer have adequate access to food due to hikes in the price of food commodities. I could no longer complain about my situation since I saw this person but rather appreciate my situation so far.

Here in the city, it is the same story as nothing changed with the scenario painted above. I could see families now having difficulty offsetting their rents during this period due to the difficulty of the present economic challenges.

How about the payment of fees? There was a double percentage of defaulters this time seen at the school gates due to nonpayment of school fees by parents. This number of defaulters doubled this time because of the present economic hardships.


Highlights of Economic Hardship on Families
  1. Difficulty affording food commodities and attaining a square meal.

  2. Difficulty offsetting school fees for educational purposes and as well affording

  3. Difficulty carrying out other obligations like payment of house rents and other public utility bills.

  4. Difficulty responding to quality medical treatment when the need arises.

  5. Difficulty meeting up with family demands as it affects clothing and extended family demands.

Highlights of Aftermath Effects of Economic Hardship from Families
  • Mental and Psychological Degradation:

This is one silent effect we must be wary of and avoid keenly. This not only makes a mess of emotions but is also a direct link to most suicide cases and attempts in our society.

  • Increased Insecurity in the Society:

Due to the le job losses, unemployment surge, and idleness in society, there is an increased crime rate. These idle hands are easily recruited by terrorists or are easily aligned to other negative vices to earn their daily bread.

  • Increase in Poverty rate.

There is already a statistics that has it that the number of poor people or poverty indiex in my country approximately 50%, if not more, in a country with a population of of over 200million persons. The recent inflation has thrown if not all the middle calss into the poverty line.

Thank you, Friends.
I'm inviting @ceendy20 and @eveetim to participate.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Este es el tema del día a día de mi país , cada mañana muchas familias se levantan pensando en que solucionar para buscar el alimento para sus hijos pensar en tiempos escolares como comprar los uniformes cuadernos porque de verdad si tienes un trabajo no te alcanza o comes o te vistes porque el trabajador es muy mal pagado.

It is unfortunate that this also happens in your country. Economic hardships in families have continued to undermine the activities in several homes as well as subjecting them to unprecedented hardship. Thanks for engaging

 4 months ago 

I can understand that Nigeria is really not much developed country. You have seen definitely many peoples that were going through or that are going through the times of economic hardships and I really like the highlights you have explained that what happens if you are facing economic downfall so it becomes very difficult to even bring bread for your family and to even meet daily life expenses including payment of utility bills ,school fees and other things.

Wishing you much success 💞

The highlights are a simple description of what is found in my dear country. As the inflation keeps soaring higher, more economic hardship families there are little or no palliatives to caution against this effect. We know this would be better with government-right policies which we anticipate. Thanks for the great comments


Having children as much we want is good but the economy is the one that will decide for you if you should keep large or small family.

Moreover, it's true that many families are not feeding well due to hardship brought by nation's economy, payment of fees is a difficult pill to swallow. People around me now put their children in the school they'll be to afford the bill.

It's really biting hard but I pray that God will help us.

For the literate, the economy should decide their family performance. Many still defy this and make large homes but its resultant effect is seen on how their homes are managed. Thanks

You're welcome, sir

Yes when income is low so all things gets disturb and people get in trap to pay just dues and pending bills and they are not able to think to complete their dreams. Education is important but in this crises of economy, education is very expensive and how do people pay high fees when they don't have proper source of income.

It is just a difficult momemt for families. A time all the basics for human survival arent affordable anymore but rather but pressure on the family. Breadwinners are mentall and psychologically not stanke during moments like this. Thanks for engaging me

Through this contest, I got to know that this is not one family problem. I was talking to my wife that all over world families are struggling and working hard just to complete their daily needs not dreams. Seriously sometime I become restless due to overthinking and Steemit is only way to express ideas with world

It's well. This is a world problem. Just a few advanced countries are not affected as we have here. I believe that government intervention should play a major path here.

Yes government has full control and advance technology to recover and resolve but they focus on their luxury lifestyle and forget common people.

That's the problem. This is one major problem of most developing countries. It is quite unfortunate we find ourselves in their midst. The resources we have should be able to get us out of this mess but personal gains have blindfolded them all. It's just a matter of time before liberation and better living conditions are restored.

This economic meltdown came with the main aim to bite down quality of living thereby rising the prices of goods in the market. If one happens to take a tour to the market, he or she will noticed that thing are sold doubled their initial price. Literally everything both goods or service's prices are lifted. When there is life, there is hope. Good luck on your entry

It is a complicated moment for many now. Government isn't at their best to help ameliorate some of these challenges. If this continues, we may have crises in our hands as families would have to go extra miles to survive. I just believe the hope we seek would be there when alive. Thanks for the comments.

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