
in Steem Kids & Parents10 months ago

Greetings all steemian friends, come back with me to participate in a very interesting contest challenge to tell in this 3rd week and here's what I can write in filling this contest challenge ☺️


How do you view discipline?

Discipline is a mental attitude and our behavior that includes perseverance, thoroughness, and commitment to achieve certain goals and this involves our ability to follow all the rules, and we need to maintain consistency and take the necessary actions in achieving the results we want, even in Disciplined our daily life helps increase productivity such as overcoming challenges and building a positive mindset.

👉Have you ever been disciplined before or have you ever disciplined someone?

  • Discipline in the household is very important to create a harmonious and efficient atmosphere. Some ways to build discipline in the household are by setting clear rules and boundaries, setting a good example, communicating openly, and respecting one another. With good discipline, families can live their daily life more orderly and full of happiness

  • Disciplining someone can be a challenging task and expectations are clear, so that the person knows what to expect from his behavior.

Provide consistent consequences when rules are broken. This helps the person realize the consequences of his behavior.

Provide rewards and positive reinforcement when the desired behavior is demonstrated. This will increase motivation to be disciplined.

Be a good example by showing discipline in our own actions and decisions.

Provide support and guidance to help them overcome barriers to developing discipline.

Communicate openly and honestly, so you can understand the reasons behind their behavior and help find solutions.

👉Do you regard discipline as love or hate even if it is given?

Viewing discipline as love or hate depends on the viewpoint and perception of the person receiving it. Some people may view discipline as an act of compassion because its main purpose is to guide and improve someone. But there are also those who may perceive it as hatred because they feel controlled or restricted in their actions. In this case, it is important to understand the intent and purpose of a given discipline in order to understand how best to deal with it.


👉Do you think discipline is beneficial for children?

Yes, proper and positive discipline is very beneficial for children. With discipline, children learn to recognize boundaries and rules, develop responsibility, and understand the consequences of their actions. Consistent discipline helps shape good behavior and guides children to grow into individuals who are more responsible, independent and disciplined in facing life in the future.


👉Your personal advice to those who give discipline and to those who receive it."

  • Remain consistent in applying rules and consequences.

  • Give discipline with compassion and understanding.

  • Explain the reasons behind the discipline given.

  • Be a good example in your behavior and decisions.

  • Provide support and guidance to help them learn from mistakes.
    To those who receive discipline:

  • Listen well and be open when receiving criticism or suggestions.

  • Take responsibility for actions and learn from mistakes.

  • Try to understand the positive intention behind the discipline given.

  • Be open to talk and find solutions together.

  • Be tough and persevere in facing challenges.

That's all I can write in this interesting contest challenge and also invite @maulidiya @izzatuaula @jannatmou good luck my friends 🥰

Regards @wuland

 10 months ago 

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Review Date08/08/2023

MODs Comment/Recommendation: Discipline means love and not hatred and disciplined people tend to be successful in whatever they are doing. We need to discipline our children in order for them to grow to become better people. Success!

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Hello, you are beautiful, my regards

 10 months ago 

La disciplina es la capacidad que tenemos de obedecer las reglas y tener una buena conducta .
Siempre debe de ser Dada con amor y no con odio 😡 ni maltrato.
Feliz día

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