SEC /S11W4- “More freedom”steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Hello friends and family on this blockchain, accept warm greetings from this end of globe.It’s a opportunity partaking in this new week3 engagement challenge .Welcome to my blog today, as I share with you my thoughts on this amazing to “More freedom”.brought up by admins steemkids and parents for us to discussed.



All human being either a kids or adult has natural alienable right , To an extent you can only control human beings but not depriving them from their freedom.Not withstanding to extent too much freedom can have a bad or good influence in someone character.Permits me to share with you people my thoughts based on the guidelines questions given 👇.

What do you understand to be freedom as a parent or a kids?

Freedom can be defined as giving someone the full right he or she deserves without any controlled or taking your decisions without any restriction from the second party . As a kids freedom is when your parents decide not to controlled you and you can decide to take any decision by yourself depending on your emotions wether it is right or wrong.



Also,as a child your parents allows you to be accountable of your personal life .A child chooses what she or she want to do at anytime. There is not opposition from parent because their decision may not counts.Here the child is not forced to accept other people opinion if he or she is not pleased with.

In addition, the freedom of the child could still be based by communication between parents and their children.Giving their children the liberty there deserves Inorder to them more and draw their children closed to them.In case children are not scared of their parents in times of good and bad situations the parents will know because of that friendly and freedom they have given children.

What can make you to grants more freedom to your kids or what can you do to end more freedom

As a parent what will make to give my kids freedom is when they are respectful to people and to themselves.Also being those types of kids who can determined the wrong from the bad .All these is always done when you as the parents has Being teaching your kids the moral value of life.And they are able to understand, practice by different the right from the bad.



If my kids while growing up by fulfilling the above things I have mentioned I can grants them their freedom without no fear.But not withstanding you can’t have a kids who is very sturborn and you expect to grants freedom to them.You most controlled them or give your kids more lesson to change their character and not by giving full freedom

Advantage of freedom to both to parents and kids

The following are the advantages to Botha to parents and kids as follows.

  • Freedom increase communication between the parents and kids.

  • Freedom free one from thinking and stresssed because once you have freedom you can be able to air your mind anytime you find yourself in a confused situation.

  • Also freedom makes parents and kids to live happily at their various home.

  • Freedom can make to very outspoken in the society you find yourself .

  • Freedom reduces fear from both parents and kids in any thing you want to do.

Disadvantages of freedom to both parents and kids.
  • Too of freedom either as a parent or kids can led you to do things which are not rights.An it’s turns to be very dengerous affecting someone life.

  • People have been mislead inthe name of freedom , ignorantly doing things that they can’t defend themselves.

  • Freedom can make frustrate someone life because we do things out of personal emotions.

What can cause one to loose the freedom he or she has?

What will make most parents to deprived their kids freedom is when they are go
against the rules and regulations.Given by parents as guiding, teaching and protecting as a means to safeguard their kids.When a kids start disrespecting the parents automatically it will be a call for concern. For most parent to restrict their kid’s freedom for them to be able to control their wayward behavior at the moment.

Why is freedom necessary?



A free man is a happy man, freedom is very important in someone life because it makes us to achieve our dreams .Focused on what we want,If some one is not free he or she can never live a happy life.Also people will be suppressed due to lack of freedom.Despite all I will say to extent more freedom is not good it can frustrate some one life .

I will invites @mile16 @anroja @josepha and @petface to participate is this contest with their entries.


Saludos amiga @wirngo esimportante no darle exceso de libertad a los hijos en hacer lo que quieran esta es una desventaja y tambien es bien la direccion de los padres donde los hijos aprenderan a tener responsabilidad y ganen confianza. Le deseo exito. Dios le bendiga

 last year 

Thank you for inviting me. I have participated already. Success to you.

 last year 

Kebebasan merupakan suatu kemerdekaan yang di dapatkan pada seseorang.salam sukses.


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