The Diary Game || 19-06-2024 || Attending a Practical About Dissection of Rat and Attending Normal Lecture

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month


Hello diary, it's has been a stressful day and I've really felt it today. Do you want to know what happened? Let's see it together.

The day began with a clement weather and clear environment. I had to attend the morning devotion to express our gratitude to the creator for another day. After my morning chores, I had to check the whatsapp group for updates concerning school matters. That’s where I learnt that there will be a dissection practical.


The requirement for the practical was laboratory coat, manual, hand glove, dissecting tools and nose mask. The time for the practical was scheduled to be 12 noon. So, I decided to burn some time at home doing other things.


Morning Session

At the proposed time, I went for the practical but discovered that other students from basic studies, Abak were writing their examination in the laboratory. We had to wait for them to finish the examination because they started a bit late. The practical we were about to do is the dissection of an albino rat.


Last week, we were asked to contribute #500 each student for the purchase of the albino rat. We had to wait outside for the setup of the apparatus and specimens. Since a handful of people didn’t comply with the payment process, they had to fish out those people by calling names of those who paid the money. When we were screened in, the practical began in earnest.

The knocked out rat
The lecturer in charge told us that before we dissect the rat, we have to knock it out or place it in a state of unconsciousness. We achieved this by placing the rat in a desiccators filled with chlorofoam. The rat was knocked out and the lecturer dissected it first.

The dissected rat
After her dissection, she told us to follow suit. In her working and explanation, she said that no drop of blood should be spilled while dissecting the rat to its intestine. My group completed it successful and we were graded instantly.

A stressed me

Afternoon Session

After the practical, we had another class which was BOT 221. A funny scene happened in the class, the man asked us to submit our notebooks. It was hilarious but the man took it for attendance.


I had to move home after that class because the meeting I had with someone was postponed. Going back home, the first course of action I did was lying down and take a quick rest. Regaining my strength later, I spend the evening with my family.

That’s how I spend my day

Evening Session